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Life Insurance

Life Insurance Overview

Provider Information:

The current life insurance carrier is Minnesota Life (Securian). To contact Securian with questions relating to life insurance, please contact them at 1-833-810-8260.

Basic and Additional Term Life Insurance:

Basic and additional life insurance coverage is provided by SPPS to benefit-eligible employees (working at least 20 hours per week).  Enrollment date is based on your bargaining unit, please see your Benefit Summary by Bargaining Unit. For participants in the Cafeteria Plan, basic and additional life insurance is a core benefit. For participants in a non-cafeteria plan it is a District paid benefit.

Optional Term Life Insurance (including AD&D):

Benefit eligible employees can apply for optional term life insurance within 30 days of their hire event. A certain amount of optional life insurance is *Guaranteed Issue for new hires and family members within 30 days of hire.   

After the initial 30-day window, life insurance can only be added (or coverage amounts increased) during Active Enrollment or with a qualifying status change.  Employees that add or increase coverage amounts during Active Enrollment or with a qualifying status change will be contacted by the carrier with information on how to complete an Evidence of Insurability questionnaire (EOI).

Employees (outside of a new hire event) DO NOT need to fill out a paper EOI form

With a qualified family status change you can elect the following insurance without an EOI: 

  • Child term life:  All guaranteed (No EOI)
  • Employee AD&D:  All guaranteed (No EOI)
  • Spouse AD&D: All guaranteed (No EOI)

*Guaranteed Issue is an amount of coverage that does not require Evidence of Insurability (EOI).

Employee and Spouse Optional Life

Age at Employment

Guaranteed Issue Amount at  Time of Hire or with a Qualifying Status Change
(If elected)

Employees under age 59

Up to $150,000

Employees over age 59


Spouse (any age)

Up to $25,000

Employee and Spouse Optional Life Costs

Age of Employee or Spouse

Monthly Cost per $1000 of coverage

Under 25 







40-44  $0.09
45-49  $0.12
50-54  $0.19
55-59  $0.32
60-64  $0.52
65-69  $0.93
70 and Over  $1.49

Dependent Life Insurance Costs

Child life insurance covers all your children from live birth to age 26

$10,000 Coverage  $1.30 per month (flat rate)

Birth to 6 months of age receive a $1,000 benefit.

Accidental Death and Dismemberment Cost (AD&D)

Accidental Death and Dismemberment Costs


$.025 per $1,000

Spouse $.030 per $1,000

Employees can purchase Accidental Death & Dismemberment (AD&D) coverage in increments of $5,000 up to a maximum of $200,000 for one's self, and up to 50% of the AD&D coverage selected (to a maximum of $100,000) on a spouse.  The dismemberment benefit provides coverage for loss of limb or eyesight at (1/2 the amount for the loss of one and full amount for the loss of two or more.)



Find the Life Insurance that's right for you!

Use the Securian benefits decision tool, Benefit Scout™, to help you and your family make your insurance elections with confidence.

Not sure how much life insurance you need?

Check out Securian's calculation tool to assist you with the amount that is right for you:




View a Video Presentation to learn more about Life Insurance Plans 

Life Insurance Plan Summary

Life Insurance Plan Summary

Life Insurance Certificates

Supplemental Life Insurance Certificate

Supplemental Life Insurance Certificate