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Vision - Eye Med

Vision / Eye Med Overview

Why Vision Insurance

EyeMed's vision benefit can help save you money on eyeglasses and contact lenses. It even provides discounts on laser vision correction and additional vision care purchases like sunglasses.

NOTE: The vision exam will still continue to be a part of your medical plan (if covered). It will not be covered by EyeMed.

How the Vision Plan Works

The Vision Plan features the EyeMed Insight network, one of the largest in the industry, with access to thousands of private practitioners and retail providers nationwide, including LensCrafters®, Sears Optical(SM), Target Optical®, JCPenney® Optical and most Pearle Vision® locations. You'll enjoy significant savings on products and services obtained at in-network providers, and you'll receive reimbursements for certain services even if your provider is outside the network.

 For details and specific coverage information contact EyeMed directly at 1-866-804-0982 or visit the website at

Insight Plan

Group:  1003159

2025 Vision Plan Rates

Employee Only


Employee + 1 $14.20 
Family Coverage  $20.88