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Sick Leave Bank

Sick Leave Bank Donation and Eligibility

Currently there are 4 Bargaining Units with a negotiated Memorandum of Understanding with the Board of Education, Independent School District 625.

  • AFSCME (American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees
  • ASAP (Association of Supervisory and Administrative Personnel)
  • Custodial and Operating Engineers
  • Educational Assistants (St Paul Federation of Teachers Representing)
  • Nutrition Services 
  • PEA (Professional Employees Association)
  • TA's (Teaching Assistants)
  • Teachers (St Paul Federation of Teachers)

Donation Eligibility:

If you are a member of one of the above bargaining units and would like to donate sick leave under this bank, the employee must:

  1. Be a regular full-time or part-time member of the bargaining unit and is eligible for benefits
  2. Have an accumulated sick leave balance sufficient, at the employee's FTE, to carry the employee through 720 hours; and
  3. Not have submitted a resignation or retirement to the District prior to making the donation.

Donation Process:

  1. To donate sick leave to the bank, an eligible employee must complete a sick leave donation e-form through Employee Self-Service or submit the completed donation authorization form to Human Resources.
  2. Contributions must be in whole hour increments and may not exceed 80 total hours during the time the donor is employed by the District
  3. Donations, once made and processed by Human Resources are irrevocable
  4. Donations are not taxed to the donor and are not tax deductible
  5. Days donated are donated at the donor employee's regular rate of pay.

LINK:  Sick Leave Bank Donation e-FORM hELPSHEET

LINK:  Sick Leave Bank Donation Authorization Form

Eligibility to Receive Sick Leave from the Bank:

If you are a member of one of the above bargaining units and would like to receive sick leave from this bank, the employee must:

  1. Be a regular full-time or part-time member of one of the bargaining units and is eligible for benefits.  Employees meeting these criteria who are on a District - approved medical leave of absence are also eligible
  2. Have exhausted her/his accumulated sick leave and all other paid leave, such as accrued vacation, if applicable, at the time the recipient requests a donation from the bank
  3.  Be eligible for leave under the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) prior to the beginning of the need for donate sick leave.
  4. Not be receiving benefits from Worker Compensation or Social Security 
  5. Not be receiving long term disability benefits
  6. Not be serving a disciplinary suspension
  7. Not have submitted a resignation or retirement to the District
  8. Must have a serious medical condition or need leave to care for the serious medical condition of the employee's spouse, parent or member of the employee's household
  9. Due to the serious health condition, need a prolonged absence from duty and suffer a substantial loss of income.

LINK:  Sick Leave Bank Request e-Form Help Sheet

LINK:  Sick Leave Bank Request Form