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Relicensure Process


Tier 3 and Tier 4 Relicensure

License holders to renew/relicense please make sure to identify which Tiered License you hold. If you are not aware of which tiered license you hold, please go to the Professional Educator Licensing Standards Board (PELSB) to obtain this information.  The link for the license lookup from the PELSB website is here

Tier 3 and Tier 4 license holders proceed with relicensing by reviewing the details below to guide you on how to make your submission.

If you are a Tier 1 or Tier 2 license holders you may look at the required areas below as well as some may pertain to you with your renewal.  Tier 1 and Tier 2 license holders instead must go through their Human Resource Coordinator to process their renewal and submit renewal to the state licensing agency, PELSB. To identify your Human Resource Coordinator, you may contact

required icon

MN License holders, specifically Tier 3 and Tier 4 license holders are required to maintain their license by completing specific number of clock hours and completing specific required courses prior to their license expiring.  


                  Complete 75 clock hours                                          Complete 125 clock hours

             Complete 8 required PD areas*                                Complete 8 required PD areas*

                Renews license every 3 years                                    Renews license every 5 years


*Some license areas do not require all 8 required areas, see  Renewal Requirement Chart for details of which license area is exempt from a specific area

*Administrator License information see, Renewal of Administrator License Chart for details

clock hours


Clock hours may be obtained in various ways, see the Relicensure Renewal Clock Hour Cover Sheet for details by looking at A thru H on the document.

You may only account for the time period from when you last relicensed to the current year license is expiring.

To identify how far back you may go to obtain your clock hours and areas you may go to your state licensing, on PELSB.

  • Go to License Look Up
  • Put in your File Folder Number or First and Last name
  • Look for the date that you last time renewed; example 05/02/2020
  • Then, this date would show you that you may begin collecting clock hours and required areas A DAY AFTER THAT DATE provided; ie. 05/03/2020

EXAMPLE: You are a Tier 4 License holder which allows you to obtain clock hours within the last 5 years of your license.  Your last relicensure date issued was May 2, 2020.  Therefore, you may go back as far as the day after the issued date, May 3, 2020 to now-June 30, 2025.  This date range of 5 years is what you can use to help track the clock-hours you have and what clock hours are still required.

This date can now be used to help guide your collection of clock hours and required areas in your PowerSchool transcript or any other documents you have gathered up until your license expiring.



SPPS Employees

  • Powerschool Transcript and other district transcripts you may have worked at prior to SPPS
  • Professional Development certificates from the District/Agencies
  • Other specific areas of ways to show clock hours, see Relicensing Renewal Clock Hour Cover Sheet for details listed from A-H

Non-SPPS Employees

  • Transcript from the District(s) you are/were employed
  • Professional Development certificates from the District/Agencies
  • Other specific areas of ways to show clock hours, see Relicensing Renewal Clock Hour Cover Sheet for details listed from A-H



This information includes the EIGHT (8) relicensure requirements outlined through the Minnesota State Statute ( You must have at least one hour of professional development in each requirement, with the exception of Cultural Competency that requires at least three hours in your submission.  See details of each of the eight areas below.


PELSB has also included details for each area required for license holders when relicensing:


Further information from the state about this NEW area, American Indian History & Culture can be found at this link:


1. (N)    American Indian History and Culture (1 hour is required)

PELSB has also included details for each area required for license holders when relicensing:

  • Access PowerSchool for possible offerings: courses will be labeled with MLR (N) in the title Currently in PowerSchool there are no (N) courses as we are waiting on PELSB, the state licensing agency to provide details so there will be alternative courses to replace this required area for the mean time you may find courses labeled with (P6)
    • For the school year 2024-2025, those expiring in June 30, 2025 you may take the substitute course under Cultural Competency (P6) or this specific course: #21404 OTL/MLR (P6): Indigenous Issues that will full fill this new requirement. This P6 course is NOW currently in PowerSchool!


  • Minnesota Professional Educator Licensing Standards Board, providing FREE online course via their Canvas Catalogue platform to full fill this NEW AREA, American Indian History and Culture, see details here if interested:
    • A certificate will be provided at the end of the completion of the course, Download, write name on certificate and submit with the rest of your other documents in one submission when ready to renew


  • P6 this school year 2024-2025 will be accepted for expiring license holders of 2025.

As of currently the state licensing agency (PELSB) has not provided schools/districts criteria on what they would like for this new area but we hope to find out more information this Summer 2024.  Then the district can move forwards and put together a course that would fit the requirements that the state requires. Updates will be posted to the district Relicensure webpage.

  • License holders expiring in 2026 and moving forwards will be provided more information once district is notified by the state licensing agency on how to proceed with this new required area, at this time P6 is NOT ACCEPTED for relicensing until further notice, updates will be posted to the district Relicensure webpage.


  • You will notice in your SPPS PowersSchool transcript when viewing that there will be an empty box for (N)-American Indian History and Culture and that is understandable as long as you have a P6 in your transcript that will cover the empty (N) area.


2. (O)   English Language Learners (1 hour is required)

PELSB has also included details for each area required for license holders when relicensing:

  • Access PowerSchool for possible offerings; courses will be labeled with MLR (O) in the title 
  • Per Minn. Stat. § 122A.187, Tier 3 and Tier 4 license holders have the option of submitting the educator's most recent Summative Evaluation to meet the English Language Learners Requirement; individuals should submit their Summative Evaluation to the Relicensure Committee if they choose this option
  • SPPS educators may submit their TD&E reflection package (IGDP, Student Achievement, Student Engagement) for this requirement if they choose an IGDP goal and/or Student Achievement work that has an EL focus; a completed TD&E reflection package from one school year would be printed from PowerSchool and submitted to the Relicensure Committee
  • Can also find courses online at


3. (P)  Cultural Competency (3 hours is required*)

PELSB has also included details for each area required for license holders when relicensing:

The requirement for Cultural Competency is for license renewal effective 2020 from (PELSB)

  • Access PowerSchool for possible offerings; courses will be labeled with MLR (P) in the title 
  • Per Minn. Stat. § 122A.187, Tier 3 and Tier 4 license holders have the option of submitting the educator's most recent Summative Evaluation to meet the Cultural Competency; individuals should submit their Summative Evaluation to the Relicensure Committee if they choose this option
  • Can also find courses online at
  •  Teachers who must renew licenses in 2021 and moving forwards shall complete cultural competency education, training, or professional development that includes the following components (and required hours) as shown below:
    • Minimum 3 hours required P1- (2 hours) and 1 hour choice from P2-P7*
      • P1 - Race, Culture, and Systemic Racism- 2 hours
      • P2- Gender Identity, Sexual Orientation, and Transgender Students- 1 hour
      • P3- Implicit Bias- 1 hour
      • P4- Individuals with Disabilities- 1 hour
      • P5- Language Diversity- 1 hour
      • P6- American Indian Students- 1 hour
      • P7- Socioeconomic Status- 1 hour

SPPS (and other agencies) will be developing specific professional development to provide the required training in time for license renewal in 2021.  NOTE:  Teachers who still need to renew in 2020 (under the extension granted by PELSB) must satisfy the current requirements and this does not apply to those renewing under the current extension.


4. (Q)   Suicide Prevention (1 hour is required)

PELSB has also included details for each area required for license holders when relicensing:


5. (R)  Positive Behavioral Intervention Strategies (1 hour is required)

PELSB has also included details for each area required for license holders when relicensing:

  • Access PowerSchool for possible offerings; courses will be labeled with MLR (R) in the title 
  • Can also find courses online at


6. (S)  Accommodation, modification and adaptation of curriculum, materials, and instruction to appropriately meet the needs of varied students in achieving graduation standards (1HR.)

PELSB has also included details for each area required for license holders when relicensing:

  • Access PowerSchool for possible offerings; courses will be labeled with MLR (S) in the title
  • Can also find courses online at


7. (T)  Reading Preparation (1 hour is required)

PELSB has also included details for each area required for license holders when relicensing:

  • Access PowerSchool for possible offerings; courses will be labeled with MLR (T) in the title 
  • SPPS employees can access a free online option here
  • Can also find courses online at


8. (U)  Key Warning Signs for Early-Onset Mental Illness in Children and Adolescents (1 hour is required)

PELSB has also included details for each area required for license holders when relicensing:

  • Access PowerSchool for possible offerings; courses will be labeled with MLR (U) in the title 
  • Can also find courses online at



When you are ready to submit your clock hours and required areas for relicensing please follow the steps below to guide you in the process:


    • PELSB website, License Lookup, Click Here
    • ENTER your file folder number or first and last name
    • CLICK details tab
    • Verify that your license expiration date correlates to the current school year


    • Complete and submit with other documents in Step 4, top section of Relicensure Renewal Clock Hour Cover Sheet, Click Here 
    • Verify that you have met all required clock hours and areas required:
      • Tier 3: 75 clock hours and areas required
      • Tier 4: 125 clock hours and areas required
      • Admin: 125 BOSA hours (* for more information please click Click Here) 


            (Details on how to find CEU's see 'Helpful Relicensure FAQ')

    • Current SPPS employees log onto your POWERSCHOOL account to retrieve transcripts for all clock hours
    • Retrieve ONLY the range of dates that correspond with your license, ie: Tier 4-including ONLY 2019-2024. This would include 5 years to accumulate clock hours
    • Retrieve any other clock hours outside of SPPS if required
    • Verify all clock hours are present in transcripts and/or documents submitted


  • PRIMARY OPTION: Submit via Google Form, automated email receipt confirms submission, CLICK HERE  (form is inactive and will not accept submissions starting the day before each committee meeting starting at 5PM to the day of the meeting)
    • Submit all transcripts, certificates, and documents all at once that shows the committee that all clock hours and required areas are evident.
    • You may make multiple submissions to the google form if attachments cannot be uploaded due to capacity


  • ALTERNATIVE OPTIONS:Submit via Postal Mail/Inter-district mail/Drop-off, may be sent to district building
    • SPPS Human Resources-3rd Floor, Attention: Relicensure Committee, Human Resource, 360 Colborne Street, St.Paul, MN 55102
    • Submit all transcripts, certificates, documents AND License Renewal Cover Sheet in ONE SUBMISSION that shows the committee that all clock hours and required areas are evident.


    • Email will provide next steps if APPROVED or DENIED
      • Approved then there will be a link directing you to PELSB to pay for your license that is the final step
      • Denied then there will be details on what is missing and it will need to be resubmitted to be reviewed to the Relicensure Committee


    • After the Relicensure Committee reviews packet information, individuals will receive a follow-up email within 7 business days of the Relicensure Committee meeting. 
    • If you require further action for your relicensure submission, your materials will not be viewed until the following relicensure committee meeting dates (dates are listed on the right hand side of this website).




 District Professional Development

  • Check out PowerSchool for current courses
  • Connect with your PD contact at your school for open PD courses


Union Professional Development


Affordable Professional Development


Pre-approved Administrator Courses



PowerSchool is a database where employees can view and register for professional development courses offered by SPPS. To access PowerSchool, please log on to


       SPPS Employees

  • SPPS employees log in to PowerSchool with their Active Directory username (eXXXXXX) and password.
  • Transcripts can be accessed by selecting Transcripts in the black menu bar. The SPPS relicensure committee requests that users filter their transcript using Section Completed Date From and Section Completed Date To so that it falls within their 5-year license period. PowerSchool provides the option to email the transcript or download it as a PDF.
  • Note about courses transferred from PDExpress to PowerSchool: PDExpress did not categorize specific hours for the relicensure areas. This is a new transcript feature for courses that are created in PowerSchool. PDExpress courses are transferred to the general clock hours, in-service, and/or TA-LC as they were recorded in PDExpress.  For past courses, the SPPS Relicensure Committee will review clock hour categories for course titles that contain relicensure letter areas.


       Retired or Previously Employed in SPPS 

  • Individuals previously employed in SPPS can request their PowerSchool transcript by emailing and include their full name and SPPS employee ID number.


       PowerSchool Guest Access for Non-SPPS Employees

  • Guest professional development is often limited and registration is at the discretion of the department/presenter(s) for a course. Only the courses in which departments and/or facilitators have selected to be open to guests will be viewable when a guest logs in to PowerSchool. 


       Non-SPPS Staff Login

  • Guests can request a guest ID by selecting Sign Up on the PowerSchool site linked above. Guests will be emailed confirmation of their login credentials.


       Check out these resources on how to navigate PowerSchool.



Do you know how to retrieve your transcript from PowerSchool?

Let me show you how to access Powerschool and retrieve your transcript and utilize the filters to focus in on the date range needed for your relicensing period.


Do you know how to find what tiered license you hold?

Do you know Minnesota has a four-tiered licensure system?  Do you know how to find out which tier you have?  Join me as I will help you navigate the Professional Educators Licensing Standards Board (PELSB) webpage to find your tier on your license.


meeting sign

Relicensing submissions are reviewed only on these Committee dates listed above. If submissions are made on the date or after a listed date then it will be reviewed at the following meeting date listed. Please note the Google form to submit any items for review will close at 5 pm the day before the committee meets to review materials. 

December 18, 2024

January 15, 2025

February 12, 2025

March 20, 2025 

(OPEN HOUSE-March 20, 2025: Location TBD - Meet 1:1 to review and discuss your documents for relicensing) 

April 16, 2025

May 7, 2025

May 21, 2025

June-November (The Relicensure Committee does not convene these months but all documents submitted will still be reviewed and processed) 


Relicensure Renewal Clock Hour Cover Sheet

Helpful Relicensure FAQ

Renewal Requirement Chart

Renewal of Administrator License Chart

Link to PELSB




  Human Resources 


Mary Yang / TOSA, Tracks to Licensure

(Support with renewing/relicensing and navigating through the tiered licenses)

(651) 744-6462


Monthly Virtual General Licensing Session on GOOGLE MEET

First Wednesday of each month from 4PM-5PM,

Google Meet Room Name: SPPSLICENSE


Relicensure Committee Members

See Pha Vang, Chair

Mary Yang, Secretary

Heidi Elliott, Member

Concha Fernandez Del Rey, Member

Maureen Rueber, Member

Robyn Asher, Member

       Donna Scarcella, Member 

Kethkeo Vichaiyarath, Member