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Saint Paul Public Schools, District 625
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FAQ/School Contacts

FAQ / School Contacts

Q:  How is student teaching organized in SPPS?

A: Student teaching in SPPS is organized through a clinical cluster site partnership model. 

Q:  Who is my student teaching partner?

A:  Some schools may have more than one clinical cluster site partner.  Partnerships are listed below:

Adams: UMN-TC

Battle Creek Elem.: MNSU-Mankato, College of St. Scholastica

Battle Creek MS: St. Kate’s, MNSU-Mankato, Northwestern

Capitol Hill: Augsburg, St. Mary’s, Carleton

Central SHS: Concordia, St. Kate’s, MNSU-Mankato, UW-RF

Chelsea Heights: Hamline

Como Park Elem.: Augsburg, Northwestern

Como Park SHS: Augsburg, Metro State, College of St. Scholastica

Crossroads: UMN-TC, Walden

Dayton’s Bluff: MNSU-Mankato, UW-RF

Eastern Heights: UMD

Expo: UST, Walden, UMD

Farnsworth (Pre-K through 8): Bethel, UST, St. Cloud

Four Seasons: Concordia, Metro State, College of St. Scholastica

Frost Lake: UMN-TC

Galtier: UMN-TC

Gordon Parks SHS: Concordia

Groveland Park: UST

Hamline/Jie Ming: Hamline

Harding HS: Hamline, St. Olaf, Carleton, UMD

Hazel Park: Metro State, UW-RF

Highland Elem.: St. Kate’s

Highland JHS: Concordia, UST

Highland SHS: St. Cloud, Carleton

Horace Mann (K-6): Concordia

Jackson Prep: Bethel

JJ Hill: Concordia, St. Kate’s (for Montessori), St. Mary’s, UW-RF

John A. Johnson: Bethel

Johnson SHS: Bethel, UST, St. Mary’s

L’Etoile du Nord:  St. Cloud

LEAP HS: Northwestern, St. Olaf

Linwood Monroe: UMN-TC, St. Olaf

Mississippi: Metro State, Northwestern, St. Cloud

Murray JHS: Hamline, Metro State

Nokomis: UMN-TC

Parkway Montessori Middle: UW-RF

Phalen Lake: Concordia

Ramsey Middle: College of St. Scholastica, UMD

Randolph Heights: Augsburg, St. Kate’s

St. Anthony Park: Hamline, UMN-TC

St. Paul Music Academy: Bethel, UW-RF

The Heights: St. Kate’s

Washington Tech: UMN-TC, Northwestern, UW-RF, Walden

Wellstone: St. Olaf

Q:  Why is student teaching in SPPS organized through the framework of clinical cluster partnerships?

A:  Relationship and security.  Clinical cluster partnerships are designed to deepen the relationship between teacher prep programs and individual SPPS schools.  The hope is to develop a reciprocal learning environment that helps our schools and teacher prep programs grow and respond to the teaching and professional development needs of our cooperating teachers, student teachers and school community broadly.  The purpose is also to help school administrators maintain a safe and secure learning environment for students by knowing who is being placed in their building. 

Q:  Can student teaching coordinators request placements outside of their clinical cluster site?

A:  Yes.  Student teaching coordinators must first send their request to the Human Resources Department addressed to Mary Yang, at  The template for a non-clinical cluster site request is located in the IHE Coordinator’s Handbook located on this website. IHE coordinators must use this template to make the request.

Q: Who should I contact to discuss partnership opportunities?

A: Teacher preparation programs that are interested in deepening clinical cluster site partnerships should contact their student teaching partner schools.  Teacher preparation programs can also contact the Human Resource Department.  Schools that are interested in deepening their partnership with their student teaching partner should contact Human Resources and/or their student teaching partner institution directly.

Q: If student teaching coordinators are requesting multiple non-clinical cluster site placements, do they have to complete one template per request?

A: Yes.  In addition to separate templates, please send the request in separate emails.

Q:  Who can request student teaching placements in SPPS?

A:  Student teaching coordinators, designated by their IHE, are the only ones who have permission to request student teaching placements in SPPS.  It is not appropriate for professors, student teachers, etc. to request placements in SPPS.  It is also not appropriate for professors, student teachers, etc. to contact schools directly.  Requests that are not made by student teaching coordinators will not be accepted.

Q:  Who can become a cooperating teacher in SPPS?

A:  Cooperating teachers must be approved by the school site coordinator and/or building principal.  Cooperating teachers should also possess the following qualifications:

  • Three  years of teaching experience and tenured in SPPS
  • Licensed in assigned field
  • Willingness to complete co-teaching training and co-teach with teacher candidate
  • Evidence of effective teaching
  • Evidence of professionalism

Q: What additional opportunities should potential cooperating teachers know about?

A:  Foundations and Pairs training.  Foundations training is only highly recommended but not required once in SPPS.  Pairs training is recommended every time there is a new student teacher because it provides an opportunity for the co-teaching pair to begin engaging and reflecting on their co-teaching relationship.  Currently, SPPS is working to align the Pairs training to our co-teaching professional development so that cooperating teachers can better support student teachers in the co-teaching context of SPPS.

Q: Who communicates these requirements, as well as additional requirements, to student teaching site coordinators and cooperating teachers?

A:  IHE student teaching coordinators.  It is the responsibility of the student teaching site coordinator and/or student teaching supervisor to communicate these requirements.  Please contact the IHE coordinator for details.

Q:  How are Foundations and Pairs training offered?

A:  Foundations and Pairs are offered online, through SPPS or by the teacher prep program.  Only some teacher prep programs offer this training through their institution.  It is the responsibility of the student teaching coordinator to communicate this requirement.

Q:  What compensation is offered to cooperating teachers in SPPS?

A: Compensation is determined by individual teacher prep programs.  Please ask the student teaching coordinator how cooperating teachers will be compensated through their institution.

Q:  Can my school refuse to accept a student teaching placement?

A: Yes.  Student teaching placements are accepted or denied by building principals (ultimately).  If an administrator and/or student teaching site coordinator at the building believes that a student teaching placement is not a good fit for their building they have the right to deny the placement.

Q:  How does SPPS support new teachers who have recently graduated and are hired by the district?

A: Pear Assistance and Review (PAR). The PAR program serves as a full induction program for tenure-track teachers.  This includes monthly professional development seminars pertinent to teachers new to the district.  The Consulting Teachers also support tenure-track teachers on a weekly basis through coaching, consulting, collaborating and evaluating all in the name of professional growth resulting in student achievement.  In the spring of the year Consulting Teachers along with the building principal make recommendations to the PAR Board in regards to continuation of the teacher's contract.