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Saint Paul Public Schools, District 625
360 Colborne Street
Saint Paul


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Contact Payroll

Email us at for faster service!

For questions relating to payroll, lane changes, or PeopleSoft data requests, you can simply e-mail payroll and your designated payroll contact will respond to your inquiry as soon as reasonably possible.  You may also call your designated payroll contact (phone numbers are on the attached list below.) The main phone number for HR is (651) 767-8200.  Whether e-mailing or calling, please provide your name, employee number, and a phone number where you can be reached.  This will help us get back to you sooner with the information you need.

Your payroll contact can assist you with questions about your paycheck including hours, rates of pay, and supplemental pay.  They can also assist you with questions relating to direct deposit, W-4 tax withholding changes, and 26-pay or summer pay deductions.  The transactional team can assist you with questions related to lane changes, department and location corrections, supervisor changes,  and name, address, or phone number changes.  For escalated issues that cannot be resolved through your designated payroll contact, Kim Gilbert is the Payroll Team Lead and can be reached at

Below is a link to the document that provides a current break down of which payroll specialist processes pay for particular buildings and/or bargaining groups.

Human Resources Visits

If you need to visit the 360 Administration Building Human Resources Department we now require that you make an appointment.  If you would like to meet with Payroll please email your Payroll Specialist to set up a date and time for your visit. (see the link to the list of contacts above)