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Saint Paul Public Schools, District 625
360 Colborne Street
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Employee Information Changes


You can now update your own personal information through Employee Self Service.  

This includes changes to your:

  • Name  (Your name MUST match how it is listed on your social security card.)*
  • Home address
  • Phone numbers (home, cell, other)
  • Emergency contacts
  • E-mail addresses (home, other)
  • Marital status (Life Event Only)
  • Resignations & retirements - NEW!

To notify HR/Payroll of your resignation, please complete the electronic resignation form in Self Service.  From the main menu, go to Self Service > Employee Action Forms > Resignation Form

To update your work location, supervisor information, department, work phone number, please update this information through Self Service. To update your work e-mail account with a new name, you must submit an IT ticket separately from the name change through PeopleSoft.

NOTE:  Employee personal information changes such as name and address are updated in Peoplesoft. Most information interfaces regularly to IT for active directory (e-mail) and to SPTRFA, PERA, and HealthPartners so you do not need to connect directly with these providers separately to update your personal information. However if you are changing your name due to marriage or divorce, you may want to contact your pension provider (SPTRFA, PERA), your 403b or 457 plan provider, and your life insurance carrier to update your beneficiary information.  Also, if you are changing your name and would like your work e-mail updated to reflect your new name, you must separately submit an IT ticket to have your e-mail account updated.

Name Changes

If you have recently changed your name, you must update it with the Social Security Administration before you change it through Employee Self Service. Your name in the payroll system MUST be your legal name and match what the Social Security Administration has on file.  If it does not match, your FICA and Medicare contributions may not be credited correctly to your SSA account which will affect you when you become eligible to receive Social Security benefits.  ALSO - it is for important teachers, principals, and licensed administrators to contact MN Dept of Education separately to update your name in their files. This prevents any discrepancies in their audits when verifying licensure information against classes you are teaching at SPPS.


To update information on your employees including, work phone number, department, or supervisor, please e-mail with the affected employee(s) their employee IDs, and the information that is changing.  If you need to update the employee's job information including location, job title, FTE, etc. please connect with your designated HR Staffing (Talent Acquisition / Workforce Management) contact. 

To notify HR/Payroll of the resignation of any employee that reports to you, please complete the "manager resignation form" in Employee Self Service, under the "Manager Action Forms" section.