Secondary Grading
Secondary Grading Marks
Effective with the start of the 2023-24 school year, letter grades for all secondary students (6-12th grade) will be: A - D, N grading scale. Some schools choose to use +/-.
This change will support the use of grades as a means of communicating student learning and contribute to a GPA that more accurately reflects each student’s content knowledge. N's will not earn credit toward graduation and will not earn GPA points (0 points).
Credit recovery at Extended Day and Summer School will continue using P/NP and will not affect students' GPA.
Transfer Credits
Transfer grades should be entered on a student's SPPS transcript using the SPPS grading scale. This is in line with SPPS Policy 536.00 D: “Credits previously earned by students who transfer enrollment to Saint Paul Public Schools shall bear grades as though the course was completed at Saint Paul Public Schools.”
SPPS students attending PSEO, CIS, Concurrent Enrollment, etc. should have their grades posted to their HS transcripts using the SPPS grading scale, including weighted grade points per the board policy. The college transcript will reflect the college’s grading scale.