ARP Stories
SPPS's experiential credit recovery summer program allows high school students to earn credits in science, math and language arts through unique classes including welding, art history and culinary arts.
The SPPS Family Engagement team has enhanced our language support services to help families feel more connected to their schools and the district, regardless of their home language.
SPPS health staff used American Rescue Plan funds to adapt to ever-changing COVID-19 guidelines, administer thousands of vaccines, and ensure students were caught up on important health screenings throughout the pandemic.
SPPS supports multilingual students to feel connected to their heritage language and culture with the Bilingual Seals program that offers assessments in over 30 languages.
More than 38 SPPS schools have used ARP funding to create wellness spaces where students or staff can relax, recharge, and get into the right mindset to learn and teach.
With funding from ARP, SPPS staff developed new lessons that connect what students learn at the planetarium with Minnesota and Indigenous culture.
SPPS encourages all high school students who are bilingual to take an assessment and earn a Seal of Bilingualism and free college credits.
The 8/2 block schedule is now in practice at all SPPS high schools, allowing more time for in-depth learning and fewer transitions throughout the school day.
With ARP funding, SPPS students are able to participate in paid internships in a variety of in-demand, high-wage careers.
Flipside Afterschool is a Community Education program for middle school students. The program recently received ARP funding to expand to all middle schools across the district.
SPPS hired WINN (What I Need Now) literacy teachers to provide daily small-group reading instruction for kindergarten through third-grade students.
Extended Day for Learning (EDL) Plus launched at six elementary schools to provide hands-on, project-based learning opportunities.
Every eighth grader in Saint Paul Public Schools participates in financial literacy lessons, culminating in an immersive experience at Junior Achievement Finance Park.
SPPS used ARP funds to hire 14 school counselors to provide social emotional support, college and career guidance, and improve student outcomes.
The Office of School Support is hosting a new series of staff wellness activities funded through ARP to cultivate a culture of collective wellness.
SPPS partnered with Youthprise and Urban Roots to provide student interns with hands-on outdoor learning experiences on Saint Paul's East Side.
ARP in the News
The Council of Chief State School Officers brought together a dozen education experts to discuss how to identify, sustain the most successful recovery efforts as they tighten their belts.
- ARP News
As federal COVID aid runs out, new oversight panel will use real-time data to gauge which learning supports worked — and which to cut.
- ARP News
St. Paul Public Schools is receiving $319 million in federal funds in response to the COVID-19 pandemic — the largest haul for any district in the state.
- ARP News
Saint Paul Public Schools worked with Project Scientist to provide a summer STEM program for fifth and sixth grade girls.
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With $300M in pandemic funds, 50 recovery strategies and 2 years to tweak plans, district vows to gather data, evaluate and pivot in real time.
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Kare 11 asked Superintendent Joe Gothard how the district is spending its COVID relief funds to help students recover.
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Superintendent Joe Gothard testified at a virtual field hearing with Congresswoman Betty McCollum about the district's use of ARP funds.
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WCCO highlighted how SPPS is spending its COVID relief funds with a focus on WINN reading teacher Kris Anderson at Frost Lake Elementary.
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Fox 9 detailed how SPPS planned to spend the district's $207 million in ARP funds prior to the plan's approval by the Minnesota Department of Education.
- ARP News