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Saint Paul Public Schools, District 625
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Ecolab Sample Applications

Ecolab Sample Narrative Applications

Past applicants have expressed an interest in having sample narratives to provide a clearer idea of what a well done narrative should look like. 

Top Scoring Past Applications

Here are some of the highest scoring narratives from the 2020 application cycle.  The narrative has been modified a little every year to help applicants provide clearer and more useful project information, so these won't match the 2022 narrative exactly.

Districtwide Individual - to provide accessibility equipment for pool use

Elementary Individual - to increase the availability of ebooks

Elementary Team - for a program that provides hands-on science and activities as taught by scientists

Secondary Individual - to provide technical theater equipment and tools

Secondary Team - for hands-on chemistry kits for each student during the pandemic


Mock Applications

We have a new application for 2023 that incorporates the narrative content in the Google submission form. Your narrative content will be exported into a visually appealing document for reviewers. The mock individual and team narratives below  are provided to give you an idea of what that narrative will look like.  Content is included to demonstrate character count; these projects and the organizations they mention are entirely fabricated.

Individual Application

Team Application


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