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ETGP - Reporting Slide Templates

Ecolab Teacher Grants Program Reporting - Slides

Grants are not just free money with no strings attached, and it's pretty common to have to complete some sort of report at the end of your project.  This is an opportunity to share your successes or what you learned (even if the project didn't turn out as planned).  The ETGP reporting process involves submitting a single PowerPoint slide (please do not use Google Slides).  Not a slide show, but an individual slide.  The Grants staff put these together into a complete slide show for the Ecolab Foundation.

You can see a short example slideshow here, including both some actual past slides and some mock slides with the new templates.

Slide Template A - good for text and photos, uses SPPS color blocks and logo

Slide Template B - good for text and data/table, uses SPPS color blocks and logo

Slide Template C - good for text and photos, uses SPPS logo

Slide Template D - good for text and data/table, uses SPPS logo