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Decision Making Structure

Envision SPPS Decision Making Structure

Envision SPPS Decision Making Structure

The graphic above outlines the Envision SPPS decision-making structure and planning process followed by definitions of each role and how they intersect with one another.

Steering Committee: The Board of Education, which is ultimately responsible for approving the final policy that embodies Envision SPPS recommendations.

Executive Sponsor: The top District representative—Superintendent Gothard—who directs the Project Sponsor to lead the planning process to develop Envision SPPS to ensure that all students and families have viable
school options and access to high-quality programming.

Advisory Committee: Is composed of the District’s Senior Leadership Team who advises Superintendent Gothard on recommendations advanced by the Core Planning Team through the Project Sponsor in order to make decisions that inform the final plan.

Project Sponsor: The key District staff (*Jackie Turner, Chief Operations Officer) who oversees the overarching planning process and Core Planning Team on behalf of Superintendent Gothard (Executive Sponsor). The Project Sponsor is also responsible for providing ongoing and regular direction to the Core Planning Team to ensure planning objectives and timelines are met. The Project Sponsor also tracks and communicates progress to stakeholders such as District leadership, staff, families, students, partners, and policy makers.

Project Manager: Person who coordinates and manages the day-to-day planning process and project budget on behalf of the Project Sponsor (Jackie Turner, COO).

Core Planning Team: Composed of internal staff representing key departments along with external consultants providing support to the planning process through data analysis and strategic communications. They meet regularly with the Project Sponsor and Project Manager to provide ongoing input on Envision SPPS project planning to inform recommendations. Individual Core Planning Team members also lead specific Planning Workgroups to develop key findings and preliminary scenarios by collecting, reviewing and analyzing data related to particular topic areas. The Core Planning Team then evaluates key findings and presents leading scenarios to the Executive Sponsor/Superintendent.

Members include:

  • Jackie Turner, Chief Operations Officer, Project Sponsor
  • Members at large:
    • Andrew Collins, Assistant Superintendent, Office of Schools
    • Marcy Doud, Assistant Superintendent
    • Lori Erickson, Assistant Director, Early Childhood Education
    • Stacey Gray Akyea, Director of Research, Assessment and Evaluation
    • Brenda Natala, Executive Director (Interim), Specialized Services
    • Tom Parent, Director,Facilities Department
    • Karen Randall, Assistant Director, Strategic Planning
    • Jayne Williams, Director, Student Placement

Planning Workgroups: Led by Core Planning Team content experts, Planning Workgroups are composed of stakeholders internal and external to SPPS. Planning Workgroups meet regularly to identify and analyze key qualitative and quantitative data; align data to current District realities; develop various preliminary scenarios that consider distinct influencing factors; and produce findings that inform recommendations for a comprehensive and ustainable
Envision SPPS plan. Planning Workgroups are organized around specific focus areas as shown below:

  1. College and Career Paths; Co-Led by: Leah Corey and Anna Morawiecki
  2. Early Childhood Education; Led by: *Lori Erickson, Assistant Director, Early Childhood Education
  3. Enrollment; Led by: *Jayne Williams, Director, Student Placement
  4. Facilities Utilization/Alignment; Led by: *Tom Parent, Director, Facilities Department
  5. Language Dual Immersion; Led by: Dr. Efe Agbamu, Assistant Superintendent, Office of Schools
  6. Integration Task Force; Led by: Sherry Carlstrom, Director, Federal Programs/Title 1
  7. Middle School Model; Led by: Amanda Herrera-Gundale, Program Manager, Middle Schools
  8. Montessori Pathway; Led by: *Andrew Collins, Assistant Superintendent, Office of Schools
  9. Special Education; Led by: *Marcy Doud, Assistant Superintendent, Specialized Services
  10. Talent, Development and Acceleration Service (TDAS) Pathway; Led by: Benjamin Lacina, Supervisor, Talent Development and Acceleration Services (TDAS)
  11. Well-rounded Education; Co-ed by: Craig Anderson, Executive Director, Office of Teaching and Learning and Megan Dols Klingel, Executive Director, Digital and Alternative Education

(*Members of Core Planning Team)

Stakeholders: Organizations and individuals who are vested in the Envision SPPS recommendations and outcomes.

Stakeholders are involved in the Envision SPPS planning process to various degrees that range from being informed of the progress to collaborating in the planning process*.

Stakeholders include representatives internal to SPPS and external organizations, individuals and families; some stakeholders are also members of the Planning Workgroups. *SPPS is using the IAP2 Spectrum of Public Participation to define the different levels that various stakeholders will participate in the planning process.

Levels of participation increase along the following categories: Inform > Consult > Involve > Collaborate > Empower.