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Workgroup Participants

Envision SPPS: Workgroup Participants

If you have questions or would like to request a presentation on Envision SPPS, please email us at

College and Career Paths

See workgroup report: College and Career Paths

Workgroup members:

  1. Workgroup co-lead: Leah Corey, SPPS Program Manager, College and Careey Readiness
  2. Workgroup co-lead: Anna Morawiecki, SPPS Coordinator, Career and Technical Education 
  3. Abdirizak Abdi, Principal, Humboldt
  4. John Bjoraker, Principal, Farnsworth Aerospace Lower Campus
  5. Emily Colton, School Counselor, Battle Creek Elementary
  6. Jodi Danielson, Lead High School Counselor, OCCR
  7. Soraya Folley, Career Integration TOSA
  8. Bre Galuska, Partnership Specialist, OCCR
  9. Bee Her, Counselor on Special Assignment, OMLL
  10. Becky Schmitz, School Counselor, Washington Technology Magnet
  11. Miriam Shuros, Work Based Learning Coordinator, Central High School
  12. Michelle Quintana, Assistant Principal, Humboldt


  1. March 31, 2021; 9am-11am
  2. April 29, 2021; 9am-11am
  3. May 13, 2021;  9am-10:30am

Early Childhood Education

See workgroup report: Early Childhood Education and related Early Childhood Education: Data Analysis Report 

Workgroup members:  

  1. Dr. Lori Erickson, Office of Early Learning Assistant Director (LEAD)
  2. Chee Moua, Early Childhood Screening Program Manager
  3. Brenda Natala, Interim Executive Director of Specialized Services
  4. Dr. Monica Potter, Early Childhood Family Education Supervisor
  5. Dr. Aric Jensen, Fraser Senior Director of Mental Health
  6. Nicolee Mensing, Senior Director Head Start and Early Head Start
  7. Dr. June Reineke, Minnesota Department of Education Specialist, Early Learning Services
  8. Katy Smith, MNAFEE Board Chair and Early Childhood Advocate


  1. March 4, 2021 - 1:00-3:00 pm
  2. March 18, 2021 - 1:00-3:00 pm
  3. April 1, 2021 - 1:00-3:00 pm
  4. April 15, 2021 - 1:00-3:00 pm


See workgroup report: Enrollment

Workgroup members:  

  1. Workgroup lead: Jayné Williams, Director, Student Placement, SPPS
  2. Traci Buckle, St. Paul Federation of Educators, representative and teacher
  3. Peter Gaffney, SPPS parent
  4. Neftali Ramirez-Rosario, SPPS staff and parent


  1. January 22, 2020
  2. February 26, 2020

Facilities Utilization/Alignment

See workgroup report: Facilities Utilization/Alignment

  1. Workgroup lead: Parent Tom, Director Facilities Department, SPPS
  2. Lora Boehlke, Program Controls Specialist, Facilities Department, SPPS
  3. Amy Ennen, Project Coordinator, Facilities Department, SPPS
  4. Jeff Lorenzen, Senior Construction Project Manager, Facilities Department, SPPS
  5. Shawn O'Keefe, Project Coordinator, Facilities Department, SPPS
  6. Kathy Wallace, Manager of Facilities Planning, Facilities Department, SPPS

Meetings: Weekly meetings between July-October 2021 and as requested by other workgroups.

Language Immersion

See workgroup report: Hmong Language Immersion - Report on Findings

Workgroup Members:

  1. Workgroup lead: Dr. Efe Agbamu, Assistant Superintendent
  2. Gao Shue Moua, SPPS Staff, Jackson Elementary
  3. Mee Kong, SPPS staff, Jackson Elementary
  4. Pang Yang, Parent, Jackson Elementary
  5. Yer Vang, Parent, Jackson Elementary
  6. Yeng Xiong, Parent, Jackson Elementary
  7. Xang Her, Parent, Jackson Elementary & Washington High School
  8. Ka Ying Yang, Parent, Jackson Elementary & Washington High School
  9. Mao Yang, Parent, Jackson Elementary
  10. Thai Xiong, Parent, Jackson Elementary
  11. Bao Xiong, SPPS Staff, Phalen Lake Hmong Studies
  12. Chue Yang, SPPS Staff, Phalen Lake Hmong Studies
  13. Lisa Thao, Parent, Phalen Lake Hmong Studies
  14. Shela Her & Lis Thao, Parent, Phalen Lake Hmong Studies
  15. See Yee Yang, SPPS staff, Washington High School
  16. Shoua Lee, SPPS staff, Washington High School
  17. Na Yang, Parent, Washington High School
  18. Lee Xiong, Parent, Washington High School
  19. MayKoly Vang, SPPS staff, Battle Creek Middle
  20. Kia Yang, SPPS staff, Battle Creek Middle
  21. Sue Xiong, Parent, Battle Creek Middle
  22. Youa Lee, Parent, Phalen Lake Hmong Studies
  23. Chivouayi Lo, SPPS Staff, Harding High School
  24. Seepha Vang, SPPS Staff, HDL TOSA, Office of Teaching and Learning
  25. Liz Hathaway-Castelán, SPPS staff-DL/I Program Manager, Office of Teaching and Learning
  26. Pangjua Xiong, Intern to Dr. Agbamu


  1. January 28, 2020
  2. February 24, 2020
  3. March 23, 2020
  4. April 27, 2020
  5. October 26, 2020
  6. December 21, 2020
  7. January 25, 2021
  8. February 22, 2021
  9. March 22, 2021 
  10. May 24, 2021

See workgroup report: Spanish Dual Language Immersion Workgroup - Report on Findings

Workgroup Members:  

Stephanie Anderson, Wellstone Elementary 
Rebecca Minehart, Wellstone Elementary 
Gloria Rosso, Wellstone Elementary 
Jessica Kullander, Wellstone Elementary 
Emily Carrillo, Wellstone Elementary 
Alondra Velazquez, Riverview Elementary 
Michelle Quintana, Riverview Elementary 
Samantha Bougie, Riverview Elementary 
Julie Evette, Riverview Elementary 
Lelise Hitchens, Riverview Elementary 
Megan Budke, Office of Teaching and Learning
Maggie Bruecken, Innovation Office 


January 10, 2023
February 7, 2023
March 14, 2023
April 25, 2023


See workgroup report: Integration ; related School Segregation Is Not a Myth (The Atlantic, March 14, 2018) 

Workgroup members:  

  1. Workgroup lead: Sherry Carlstrom, Director, Title I Federal Programs and Facilitator for Achievement and Integration. SPPS
  2. Megan Sheppard, Director, Equal Employment Opportunity, SPPS
  3. Darren Ginther, Director, Office of College and Career Readiness, SPPS
  4. Elizabeth Putnam, Assistant Director, Department of Alternative Education, SPPS
  5. Marshall Davis, Supervisor PreK-12 Science, Office of Teaching and Learning, SPPS
  6. Holly Miller, Program Evaluator, Department of Research, Evaluation and Assessment, SPPS
  7. Cindy Porter, Research Analyst REA, SPPS
  8. Jada Wollenzien-Eastman, Program Manager Leadership Development, SPPS
  9. Aquanetta Anderson, Community Partnership Project Coordinator, SPPS
  10. Chuck Long, General Counsel, General Counsel’s Office, SPPS
  11. Jim Hilbert, Community Partner, NAACP
  12. Cheryl Chatman, Community Partner, NAACP


  1. November 11, 2020; 4:30 to 6:30 PM
  2. November 16, 2020; 3:00 to 5:00 PM
  3. November 30, 2020; 3:00 to 5:00 PM
  4. December 7. 2020; 3:00 to 5:00 PM
  5. February 2, 2021; 2:00 to 4:00 PM
  6. February 17, 2021; 2:00 to 4:00 PM
  7. March 3, 2021; 8:30 to 10:00 AM
  8. March 17, 2021; 1:00 to 3:00 PM
  9. March 29, 2021; 1:00 to 3:00 PM

Middle School Model

See workgroup report: Middle School Model

Workgroup members:  

  1. Workgroup lead: Amanda Herrera-Gundale, Coordinator, Middle Schools                                                 
  2. Dr. Efe Agbamu, Assistant Superintendent                    
  3. Stacie Bonnick, Principal Washington Tech
  4. Billy Chan, Assistant Superintendent                     
  5. Megan Dols, Assistant Director, OTL
  6. Sharon Hendrix, Administrator Global Arts Plus
  7. Andrew Hodges, Principal Capitol Hill                    
  8. Chreese Jones, Principal Global Arts Plus                    
  9. Kristen Lynch, Principal Creative Arts                               
  10. Mindy McBride, Principal Parkway Montessori
  11. Jamin McKenzie, Principal Murray MS
  12. LaNisha Paddock, Principal Battle Creek MS                    
  13. Teresa Vibar, Principal Ramsey MS


  1. December 15, 2020; 12:00- 1:00 pm
  2. December 16, 2020; 12:00-1:00 pm
  3. January 5, 2021; 12:00- 1:00 pm
  4. January 12, 2021; 2:00- 3:00 pm
  5. January 19, 2021; 2:00-3:00 pm
  6. January 26, 2021; 2:00-3:00 pm

Montessori Pathway

Workgroup meetings still in process.

Workgroup members:  

Workgroup lead: Jayne Williams, Director, SPPS Student Placement Center   Terri Thao, parent Kari Carlson, parent and SPPS staff Donn O'Malley, parent Katie Swanson, parent Catherine Nolet, parent Marcee Harris, parent Jen Schultz, parent

Special Education

See workgroup report: Special Education 

Workgroup members:  

  1. Amy Riley, Program Manager
  2. Marcy Doud, Assist. Sup./ Lead of Committee
  3. Brenda Natala, ECSE Supervisor/ Co-Lead of Committee
  4. Larry Wren, Special Ed. Supervisor
  5. Leslie Hitchens, Special Ed. Supervisor
  6. Amy Johson, Special Ed. Supervisor
  7. Hai-Yen Vo, Special Ed. Supervisor
  8. TJ Larson, Special Ed. Coach
  9. Barb Easton, Special Ed. Coach
  10. Gina Paton, ECSE Coordinator
  11. Chamomile Link, Parent
  12. Jackie Kelly, Family Engagement


  1. January 14, 2021
  2. February 9, 2021                              
  3. March 18, 2021
  4. April 12, 2021
  5. April 20, 2021
  6. May 3, 2021

Talent, Development and Acceleration Service Pathway 

See workgroup report: Talent, Development and Acceleration Service Pathway (TDAS)

Workgroup members:  

  1. Workgroup lead: Ben Lacina, Supervisor, Talent Development and Acceleration Services
  2. Andrew Hodges, Principal, Capitol Hill Gifted & Talented Magnet School
  3. Dr. Kristin Morris, Parent, Capitol Hill Gifted & Talented Magnet School
  4. Dr. Winston Tucker, Principal, Highland Park Senior High School
  5. Vineeta Sawkar, Parent, Highland Park Senior High School
  6. Elzbieta (Ela) Murphy, Assistant Principal, EXPO Elementary School
  7. Tara Dobbelaere, TOSA, Talent Development and Acceleration Services


  1. May 6, 2021;  3:30-4:30 p.m.
  2. May 20, 2021; 3:00-4:30 p.m.
  3. June 3, 2021; 3:00-4:30 p.m.
  4. June 17, 2021; 3:00-4:30 p.m.

Well-rounded Education

See workgroup report: Well-rounded Education 

Workgroup members:  

  1. Workgroup lead: Megan Dols Klingel, Assistant Director, Office of Digital and Alternative Education
  2. Amanda Herrera-Gundale, Middle Schools
  3. Dr. Lori Erickson, Office of Early Learning
  4. Marty Davis, Office of Teaching and Learning
  5. Maura Brink, Chelsea Heights
  6. Megan Dols Klingel, Office of Teaching and Learning
  7. Niceta Thomas, Barack and Michelle Obama
  8. Robin Lorenzen, Office of Teaching and Learning/Office of Digital and Alternative Education
  9. Sue Braithwaite, Office of Teaching and Learning
  10. Sue Arvidson, Office of College and Career Readiness
  11. Terri Steen, Office of Teaching and Learning
  12. Dr. Tim Brown, American Indian Magnet


  1. March 9, 2021
  2. March 23. 2021
  3. March 30, 2021