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Onward SPPS

Onward SPPS is an initiative of SPPS Achieves, the district’s strategic plan, that continues the work established under Envision SPPS, which focused on providing more students with a well-rounded education. Envision SPPS culminated with the Board of Education voting on December 1, 2021, to relocate, consolidate or close under-enrolled programs to create the stronger, well-rounded programs that students deserve. 

After Envision SPPS was completed, the district established Onward SPPS in January 2024 to attract and retain students by partnering with parents and community members to create innovative programs that are in high demand. This page highlights the initiatives that are part of Onward SPPS.

New & Redesigned Magnet Programs

group of students smiling with staff at Freedom School assembly

The African American Program Workgroup is tasked with determining how SPPS can provide a well-rounded elementary program focused on the African American experience, history and culture while partnering with families to support the educational outcomes and long-term success of African American students. The goal is to open an Afrocentric elementary program in the district in fall 2026.

Bruce Vento Elementary

Bruce Vento Elementary is becoming a PreK-5 environmental magnet school that leverages a brand new building and expansive landscaping that embeds outdoor learning throughout the curriculum. Students will explore, investigate, learn and foster play while developing a connection to nature. The new building and environmental program opens in fall 2025.

Three students in school library holding giraffe mascot toys

East African Magnet School, which opened in fall 2023 as a new PreK-5 school in the former Jackson Elementary building, added sixth grade in fall 2024. The school will add seventh grade in fall 2025, with plans to expand into a full PreK-8 school in fall 2026.

students sitting on colorful rug while teacher reads a picture book

The Karen Language and Culture Program opened with kindergarten at Wellstone Elementary in fall 2024; grades 1-5 will be added in subsequent years. This elementary program complements the Karen language offerings at several SPPS middle schools (Humboldt, Washington Technology) and high schools (Como Park, Harding, Humboldt, Washington Technology and virtual courses).

Students in yellow shirts in a school assemby

The Txuj Ci Facilities Committee is tasked with finding a long-term, feasible facilities solution for accommodating Txuj Ci’s PreK-8 enrollment growth, and vision for a school that supports Txuj Ci's academics, identity and community. At multiple points, this committee will give input toward the vision and character of a long-term home for the Txuj Ci Hmong language and culture program.

Other Initiatives