Progress Monitoring
Strategic Plan Progress Monitoring
- 2021 SPPS Achieves Adjusted Framework
- SPPS Achieves Objectives
- Initial Strategic Plan Framework & Action Plans (2018)
- Measurements of Success
- Progress Reports
2021 SPPS Achieves Adjusted Framework
An adjusted SPPS Achieves Strategic Plan was presented at a Special Meeting of the Board of Education on January 25, 2021. The full presentation can be found in the Board Book from that meeting.
2021 SPPS Achieves Adjusted Framework
SPPS Achieves Objectives
Objectives are the decisions made about how to address the strategic focus areas.
Systemic Equity
Objective 1. Identify and address institutional and systemic inequities
1.1 Develop and implement a system-wide Equity Plan as defined by Board Policy 101.00
- Complete a district equity needs assessment and systems map
- Develop and implement a long-term equity plan based on this data
- Review and revise District policies addressing equity system-wide
- Through the District Equity Committee, identify patterns of inequity and recommend solutions
- Provide learning opportunities to build consciousness and awareness surrounding fairness, justice, and educational equality
Positive School and District Culture
Objective 2. Create inclusive school and district cultures
2.1 Implement culturally responsive Social Emotional Learning (SEL) district wide aligned with Positive Behavioral Intervention & Supports (PBIS)
- Support school capacity to fully implement and monitor a PBIS framework.
- Integrate SEL strategies, Restorative and Trauma Informed Practices, with the data based PBIS framework.
- Provide resources for staff to implement district expectations for Social Emotional Learning curricula (for example Zones of Regulation, IGF Kids, Second Step Middle School, daily connect activities for secondary SEL)
- Provide continuum of professional development for licensed and non-licensed staff that recognizes the role of adult mindset and culturally responsive engagement
Effective and Culturally Responsive Instruction
Objective 3. Increase our capacity to meet the instructional needs of each learner
3.1 Implement culturally responsive teaching districtwide
- Implement Zaretta Hammond’s Culturally Responsive Teaching and the Brain book-study modules with all staff and embed Ready for Rigor Framework in lessons for the SPPS lesson repository
- Collaborate with SPPS departments to understand and integrate the Ready for Rigor Framework and Gloria Landon-Billing’s four R’s: Rigor, Relationship, Relevance and Realness
- Align Culturally Responsive Teaching accountability with the Teacher Development and Evaluation evaluation cycle and integrate the Ready for Rigor practice profile into School Continuous Improvement Plans
- Develop Ethnic Studies as an elective required for graduation
- Host Culturally Responsive Teaching Showcases at sites and district level and develop August Ready for Rigor Institute
3.2 Ensure all students have access to instruction in science, social studies, the arts, health, and physical education
- Revise Well-Rounded Education plan in consideration of Covid-19 impact
- Implement plan for providing grade-level guaranteed instruction in science, social studies, the arts, health, and physical education for FY 22
- Review and update annual process for conducting Academic Programming Questionnaire
3.3 Implement a districtwide middle school model
- Monitor and continue to implement positive and supportive learning environment with systems that incorporate social emotional learning/PBIS
- Support implementation of College/Career exploratory experiences
- Fully implement Readers and Writers workshop across all 6-8 programs and classes
- Fully implement Foundations as an advisory across all 6-8 programs and classes
- Support access to literacy materials through Books in Hands project and other strategies
- Support student transitions between grades and learning models
3.4 Address the challenges to academic progress resulting from COVID-19
- Accelerate full implementation of the core Prek-5 Inquiry-Based Math Model
- Accelerate full implementation of the core PreK-8 Balanced Literacy Model
- Identify and implement solutions to secondary scheduling, grading and credit challenges to support academic progress in the aftermath of COVID-19
- Sustain and enhance instructional design and blended learning implemented during distance learning
- Provide for ongoing monitoring and instructional support to address interrupted learning
College and Career Readiness
Objective 4. Increase opportunities for students to envision their future, explore careers and prepare for postsecondary education
4.1 Strengthen college and career curriculum, instruction, pathways, and personal planning
- Implement a process for students to create and update personal learning plans
- Engage families in actively contributing to their student’s personal learning plan
- Roll out individualized Career Pathway Guide to all 8-12th grade student and families
- Implement four career pathways at each comprehensive high school by school year 2023-2024
- Implement K-8 and 9-12 career related curriculum
- Integrate career units into all high school courses
- Increase employer partnership and internship opportunities
- Expand career pathway centers
Program Evaluation/Resource Allocation
Objective 5. Allocate resources based on program effectiveness and organizational priorities
5.1 Implement a system for routinely assessing program effectiveness
- Continue evaluation capacity building for district staff, Cohort II
- Complete summative evaluations of at least 10 programs with recommendations
- Implement an annual cycle of student achievement data review leading to instructional priority adjustments as needed
5.2 Allocate resources strategically through priority-based budgeting
- Base strategic investments on instructional and operational priorities
- Implement long-term financial planning and reporting linked to instructional priorities and outcomes
5.3 Align school facilities with well-rounded programs
- Develop operational measures to assess building utilization, virtual connectivity, transportation costs, and equitable access to well-rounded programs
- Align well-rounded education program measures, ideal school sizes, and parent demand for programs to determine facility allocations and major capital investment decisions
- Adjust capital investments to ensure they meet the District’s equity policy goals
Family and Community Engagement
Objective 6. Improve stakeholder engagement in district decisions
6.1 Implement authentic community engagement planning and strategies
- Publish the SPPS engagement framework in a guide with templates and a toolkit
- Build engagement capacity for district staff, training and coaching a cohort of 12-16 staff
- Refresh advisory council systems and structures to align with the adopted engagement framework
- Review, analyze, and report on informal parent feedback using existing contact log structures
Initial Strategic Plan Framework & Action Plans (2018)
2018 SPPS Achieves Strategic Plan (Phase 1)
Initial Action Plans From 2019:
- Strategic Plan Blueprints Aug 2019 (includes all action plans)
- Initiative 1A Action Plan - Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) and Social Emotional Learning (SEL)
- Initiative 2A Action Plan - District Culture
- Initiative 3A Action Plan - Culturally Responsive Instruction (CRI)
- Initiative 3B Action Plan - Well-Rounded Education
- Initiative 5A Action Plan - Program Evaluation
- Initiative 5B Action Plan - Middle School Model
- Initiative 6A Action Plan - College & Career Curriculum and Personal Learning Plans
- Initiative 7A/7B Action Plan - Career Pathways & Certifications
- Initiative 8A Action Plan - Community Engagement
- Initiative 9A Action Plan - Partnerships
Measurements of Success
How We Will Know the Strategic Plan Is Working
The SPPS Achieves Strategic Plan incorporates performance measurements to indicate progress toward the long-term student outcomes. Our metrics of 38 data points measure the current status (baseline) and our goal at the end of the plan (five-year target). Progress will also be measured annually.
The five-year targets are both attainable and aspirational and were developed based on best practices for setting attainable goals.
The five-year targets were developed through an intense review process based on six factors:
- The current status (baseline)
- The trend or most recent history
- The educational context (local, regional and or federal influences)
- The time it may take to implement changes and see progress
- The unique characteristics of the student groups identified in the long-term student outcomes
- The number of schools or student groups that are already meeting the five-year targets.