Stakeholder Engagement
Engagement During the Planning Process
The strategic planning process began by looking at past surveys, community feedback, reports and student data. The information was used to develop an initial framework for a strategic plan. Over 700 community members provided valuable feedback on the plan, which led to several changes to the initial framework.Then, strategic initiatives were created under each focus area, which defined the work we must do to make a difference in student learning and achievement. Each initiative includes an action plan with stakeholder engagement throughout implementation.
Ongoing Engagement
Implementation teams will use engagement strategies that best reach the stakeholders they need to inform their plan. SPPS is committed to working with stakeholders in two primary ways:
Variable engagement strategies include both in-person and online engagement in order to inform, consult with and involve stakeholders throughout the implementation of the plan. Stakeholders may provide information about their individual experiences, test new tools or make recommendations.
Fixed engagement strategies include regularly scheduled engagement opportunities and a process for using and evaluating the feedback gathered. Stakeholders may review progress, share input and develop tools to ensure transparency of engagement efforts. The Board of Education will also receive an annual update on engagement activities.
Stakeholder Engagement Plan
The Engagement Plan for Year 1 Implementation is designed to provide stakeholders with objective and timely information to assist them in understanding the implementation of SPPS Achieves.
Year 1 Engagement Reports
Summary Report of Year 1 Engagement
Action teams engaged stakeholders in the development of materials and plans in year 1. The reports on engagement events are linked below.