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Saint Paul Public Schools, District 625
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World's Best Workforce Plan (SPPS Achieves)

The Worlds Best Workforce Plan is Saint Paul's SPPS Achieves Strategic Plan. SPPS Achieves was designed to be a five year plan implemented over three years. It was to have concluded in SY2022-23 with summative data collected in SY2023-24. In the midst of the implementation of that plan, SPPS faced many challenges as a result of the COVID pandemic such as a disrupted school year in the spring of 2020, a move to distance learning in school year 2020-2021 and now finally in school year 2021-2022, recovery efforts still being challenged by other strains of the virus. Regardless of the challenges presented by the pandemic we as a district continue commmit to the strategic direction set by SPPS Achieves and thus have re-established this commitment through a revised timeline and an investment of additional resources from the American Rescue Plan. 

2020-2021 Annual Report on Worlds Best Workforce (SPPS Achieves) and Achievement and Integration