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Afterschool Meals

The Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) At-Risk Afterschool Meal Program offers no-cost nutritious meals and snacks to children participating in afterschool and non-school day care and enrichment programs.

Click here to view the Afterschool Snack and Power Snack menu.

Do you have an afterschool program for young people?  Do you need help providing food?

The CACFP At-Risk Afterschool Meal Program is funded by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA).  In order to receive funding to provide no-cost meals for children, all sites must follow USDA rules and regulations.

How does SPPS's Afterschool Meals Program Work?

SPPS provides food to youth afterschool enrichment and care programs at no cost to the program.  Program staff are required to complete and provide daily paperwork in order for SPPS to claim and receive reimbursement to cover the costs of the food.

Are there any costs to my program?

If all meals are served in accordance with USDA requirements, there are no costs to your program.  However, your program will be charged for meals provided that are not served within USDA regulation and/or food lost due to theft, tampering, damage or improper storage.

What meals can be provided?

This year, we will have two meal options: Snack and Power Snack. 

  • Snacks = Traditional two component shelf stable snack and kids must take all items on the menu.  For example: Whole grain pretzels and juice.
  • Power Snacks = Snack type items that have five components with 4-5 items, including milk.  Meals will be bagged with milk offered on the side.  For example:  String cheese, chicken jerky, pretzels, carrots, a fruit cup and milk (which must be offered but kids do not need to take it).

How do we get the food?  What sort of storage requirements are there?

On the site application, you will indicate which SPPS school location you would like to have as your supporting school.  You will need to pick up all the food and documents from your supporting school.  We are unable to deliver the food to your site. 

  • Snacks:  Refrigeration for some items is recommended but not required.
  • Power Snacks:  Refrigeration is required for all meals and milk.

All food must be stored properly and safeguarded against theft, tampering or damage.  Failure to safeguard food can result in your program being charged for lost or stolen food.

What are record-keeping requirements for programs?

Program staff must complete and send to the supervisor at your supporting school site the following documentation on a daily basis.  This documentation is required by the USDA.  Failure to complete and/or submit your paperwork daily will result in your program being charged for any food received.

What sort of training is required?  Who needs to complete the training?

All program staff and volunteers that help to administer the afterschool meals program must complete the following training.  Failure to complete the required training will result in your program being charged for any food received.

How do I sign my program up for SPPS's afterschool meals program or make changes?

Click here to complete the SPPS Afterschool Meals Program Site Application. 

Click here to make a Change to Original Application


Frequently Asked Questions