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Zero Hunger & Zero Waste Solutions

The Zero2 Plan: Zero Hunger & Zero Waste Solutions

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The Zero2 Plan

With an enrollment of approximately 32,000 students, Saint Paul Public Schools (SPPS) Nutrition Services (NS) operates one of the largest, federally funded Child Nutrition Programs in Minnesota.  Known for its healthy, locally sourced and culturally relevant menu options, SPPS NS serves over 6.2M meals each year.  This also makes SPPS NS one of the largest food service establishments in Saint Paul.

More than three out of five SPPS students qualify for nutrition programs that address food insecurity.  School breakfast, lunch, snack and supper programs are a lifeline for families struggling with hunger.  SPPS NS believes basic nutrition is the right of every person and no child should worry about where their next meal will come from.  SPPS NS pledges to end hunger, increase food security and improve nutrition over the next ten years by providing reliable and convenient access to no-cost meals for all children in Saint Paul.  

The SPPS NS Zero2 Plan describes the thought, research, and solutions to accomplish zero hunger and zero waste for our scholars and our community.

The progress reports include a summary of outcomes from the goals established from the plan.