Graduation Rates
Four-Year Graduation Rate Trend
Saint Paul Public Schools Four-Year Graduation Rate in 2023
On March 28, 2024, the Minnesota Department of Education released the class of 2023’s graduation rate. In SPPS, 68% of the class of 2023 graduated in four years; down from 2022 (75%).The 2023 graduates were freshmen when schools closed and began distance learning, they started their sophomore year in distance learning, then transitioned back to in-person in spring 2021. Needless to say, these students experienced much upheaval and uncertainty during their high school years.
It should also be noted that this year’s graduation rate includes a large number of students marked as “unknown.” Our 128 summer graduates are not included in the 2023 numbers, which they typically are. SPPS and MDE are working to identify the scope of the issue to ensure these students are counted correctly moving forward. Graduation is a significant milestone and it is important we give students the recognition they deserve for all their hard work. If our summer graduates were counted in MDE’s calculations, our graduation rate would increase to 73%. While still a decline over last year’s rate, this is more in line with past trends.