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Saint Paul Public Schools, District 625
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General Testing Information

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Purpose of Assessments:

Book, Math, and Science icons

What are the MCAs?

The Minnesota Comprehensive Assessments (MCAs) are assessments in reading, mathematics, and science and are administered every year. The MCAs are based on the Minnesota Academic Standards, which specify what students in a particular grade should know and be able to do.

Student with books icon

Why do students take the MCAs?

The MCAs are used to gather information about the alignment of districts’ and schools’ curriculum and instruction with state academic standards. Schools use the information to improve curriculum materials and student support. Educators look for areas where students do well so they can reinforce the ways they teach these skills. Educators also look for areas where they can improve standards-based curriculum and instruction.

Data and information icon

Participation in the MCAs

Student participation in the MCAs is important because it gives your school and district the opportunity to evaluate their curriculum and instruction to ensure all students have access to a high-quality education. The more students who participate, the more accurate the data is for districts and schools to make informed decisions about how to use money and resources to support all students.

MDE Statewide Testing