Opportunities for Educators
From MDE
Application Open for Science MCA-IV and Alt MCA Standard Setting
This opportunity is for science, special education and multilingual learner educators. After the first operational administration for each assessment, a Standard Setting committee of educators and community members will use the Science MCA-IV and Alt MCA Performance Level Descriptors to define levels of performance on the new assessment and determine what it means to be proficient on the Minnesota Academic Standards in Science.
MDE is looking for a diverse group of grades 3 through high school science, special education and multilingual learner educators representing science education throughout the state to serve on this one-time committee. In addition, for the Alt MCA standard-setting committee, special education teachers should work closely with students with significant cognitive disabilities. This committee will balance grade-level and content-area knowledge of the 2019 Minnesota Science Standards, geographic distribution and the diversity of our student population. Participants will contribute their instructional expertise and knowledge of the 2019 Science standards and collaborate with peers from across Minnesota while earning Continuing Education Units (CEUs) and an honorarium.
Science, special education and multilingual learner educators are encouraged to apply to be part of these in-person committees to be held in Summer 2025:
- Application for Science MCA-IV Standard Setting on July 8–10
- Application for Science Alternate MCA Standard Setting on July 14–16
Applications will be open until Jan. 10. Committee members will be chosen based on grade-level and content-area needs, as well as experience with the 2019 Minnesota Science Standards.
Another way to be involved in MCA and Alt MCA development is to register to participate in Educator Review Committees. Your input is vital in the development of questions assessing the Academic Standards in Science. This opportunity is open to science, math, language arts, special education and multilingual learner teachers. Please contact mde.testing@state.mn.us for more information.
Alternate Assessment Chat and Connect Series
What: MTAS/Alternate MCA test administrators and special education staff are invited to meet with MDE alternate assessment specialists to give feedback, ask questions and connect with other special education staff from across the state.
Why: Discuss the newly revised Eligibility Requirements and Decision-Making Tool for Minnesota Alternate Assessments and show the soon-to-be released Science Alternate MCA Online Demo, share your feedback, and have your questions answered.
Next session is on December 17 from 4–5 p.m. Please register for the Alt Assessment Chat and Connect. This month we will be discussing WIDA Alternate ACCESS with Dean Reasoner, MDE’s EL Assessment Specialist. Learn about Science Alternate MCA materials available for Spring 2025. Share your feedback and have your questions answered.
When: We will be meeting the third Tuesday of each month during the school year. You only need to register once to join any of the monthly Chat and Connects that work for you. The Alternate Assessment Chat and Connect dates for this year are: Oct. 15, Nov. 19, Dec. 17, Jan. 21, Feb. 18, March 18, April 15, and May 20 at 4 p.m.
Where: Via Zoom.
How: Register for the Alt Assessment Chat and Connect
For more information, contact ALT.Assessment.MDE@state.mn.us.
Clarifying the Connection Between English Language Arts Standards and Assessments
The 2020 Minnesota Academic Standards in English Language Arts (ELA) will reach full implementation in school year 2025–26. According to state statute, all students must receive instruction and classroom-level assessment in all standards and grade-level benchmarks.
In addition to classroom assessments, students in Minnesota take additional literacy assessments including the Reading Minnesota Comprehensive Assessment (MCA) and literacy screeners. The first administration of the Reading MCA-IV will cover the 2020 Minnesota Academic Standards in ELA in Spring 2026 for students in grades 3–8 and 10. Literacy screeners are now administered to students in grades K–3 three times a year (see the MDE READ Act Screening webpage for more information about literacy screening).
MDE has developed the 2020 Minnesota English Language Arts (ELA) Standards and Corresponding Assessments chart to clarify how the 2020 Minnesota ELA Standards are measured across these three types of assessments: classroom assessments, literacy screeners, and the Reading MCA-IV. This chart is posted in the Assessment section on the MDE English Language Arts webpage.
The chart highlights the central role of authentic classroom assessment of all three ELA strands: 1) reading, 2) writing, and 3) listening, speaking, viewing and exchanging ideas. It may provide clarity about the connections between standards and additional literacy assessments that students encounter.
Opportunity to give input on future MCA tests
New Data and Assessment Literacy Learning Resources
Roadmaps for Online Learning Modules are Now Available
The Minnesota Data and Assessment Literacy (MnDAL) online learning modules offer an opportunity for school leaders and teachers to support their understanding of assessments and data use practices in the context of standards-based instruction and school improvement efforts. Twenty-seven asynchronous learning modules can be accessed at any time for individuals to learn at their own pace, and facilitation guides are available to support collaborative learning. Teacher and administrator CEUs are awarded upon completion of each module.
New roadmaps supporting various learning pathways are now available to assist you in your journey through the MnDAL modules. Two roadmaps for leaders and three for teachers each offer a sequence of learning around on a common topic or interest area. For more information, please see the On-Demand Learning page on Testing 1,2,3.
Information on the MnDAL (Data and Assessment Literacy) program from the MDE Testing 123 website is linked here.