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6140 Minnesota Licensed Teachers Requirements and Hiring

6140 - Licensed Teachers Requirements and Hiring

Authorization: HR, Asst. Superintendent, TI

All active Minnesota teachers must hold a valid Minnesota teaching license and/or special permission, as defined by Minnesota licensing statutes and Minnesota licensure rules (Types of Licenses Issued and Issuing Agency Including Special Permissions), and be teaching within the assignment and grade range of the valid license and/or special permission.

If a school has an instance in which a core content teacher, doesn't hold the proper license and is assigned to teach or has taught for 4 or more consecutive weeks, the school must notify parents of those students. Click here to get a copy of the letter template to be sent to parents.

When this happens, under no circumstances may Title I funds be used to pay for a teacher who does not meet Minnesota’s license requirements. Teachers hired with Title I funds who do not meet the State’s licensing requirements, will be moved to the school’s general budget.

This requirement also includes those teaching Special Education students and English Language students.

When hiring a teacher with Title I funds, the Title I program manager or supervisor must be consulted to ensure positions are necessary, reasonable and aligned to the school's SCIP. 


  1. All positions must be supplemental in nature.

  2. If using Title I funds to hire a teacher, consult with your Title I program manager or supervisor prior to submitting the Requisition. 

  3. Teachers working in the core content areas in a schoolwide program must be appropriately licensed for the assignment and grade range of the valid license. 

  4. Follow district procedures for hiring. 

  5. For any employees paid totally by Title I funds, supervisors must complete semi-annual certifications which verify that the employee has worked 100% on the federal grant for the first half of the year. Semi-annual certification is completed every six months, once in early January and again in early July. The supervisor will be notified via email to log into PeopleSoft to complete the Semi-Annual Certification.

  6. For any employee whose activities are split between Title I funds and other funds, must complete bi-weekly time and effort reporting of their time. Through the Bi-Weekly Time and Effort form, an employee will allocate the number of hours worked for the pay period across each program and determine the percentage of hours in each program area if it’s different than the default.The total must equal 100%. The employee will then submit the time and effort report through PeopleSoft to the supervisor each pay period. The supervisor will then review and approve the employee’s report bi-weekly.

  7. If you have a teacher working in a Title I schoolwide school who is not appropriately licensed for 20 or more consecutive days, regardless of their funding source, a letter will need to be sent to all families of that teacher’s students informing them that the teacher does not meet Minnesota’s licensure requirement and what is being done to resolve the issue. Contact Human Resources as soon as possible to correct the license situation.