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6161 Teaching Assistant - Kindergarten

6161 - Teaching Assistant (Kindergarten Support)

Authorization: HR, Asst. Superintendent, TI

Schools may use TI funds to pay for Teaching Assistants whose purpose is to support teachers in Kindergarten classrooms who are working on implementing the Kindergarten model Discovering our World. For more information about the Kindergarten model, contact the Title I Director or the Early Childhood Director. Only TA’s supporting this model will be hired with TI funds. The essential functions of the job include:

  • Participate in all classroom activities and interact with individual children using developmentally appropriate support and guidance.
  • Assist teacher with guiding small group instruction and independent practice time.
  • Assist with maintaining an attractive, safe, educational environment by sanitizing tables and toys, posting children’s work, re-arranging the environment for student engagement in different activities and areas of study.
  • Welcome children to class and support them through transitions and daily routines.
  • Engage children in caring for and putting away learning materials.
  • Meet with teacher daily to communicate and plan.
  • Contribute to the District's Strong Schools, Strong Communities by partnering with other staff to contribute to student achievement and the alignment and sustainability of resources.


  1. All positions must be supplemental in nature.

  2. Consult with your Title I program manager or supervisor prior to submitting the requisition. 

  3. Follow district procedures for hiring. 

  4. For any employees paid totally by Title I funds, supervisors must complete semi-annual certifications which verify that the employee has worked 100% on the federal grant for the first half of the year. Semi-annual certification is completed every six months, once in early January and again in early July. The supervisor will be notified via email to log into PeopleSoft to complete the Semi-Annual Certification.

  5. For any employee whose activities are paid partly by Title I funds and partly by other funds, must complete bi-weekly time and effort reporting of their time. On the online Bi-Weekly Time and Effort form, an employee will allocate the number of hours worked for the pay period across each program covered and determine the percentage of time spent in each program area if it is different than the default amounts. The total must equal 100%. The employee will then submit the time and effort report through PeopleSoft to the supervisor each pay period. The supervisor will then review and approve the employee’s report bi-weekly.