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Saint Paul Public Schools, District 625
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6175 Cultural or Intervention Specialist

Authorization: HR, Asst. Superintendent, TI

Schools may use TI funds to pay for Cultural Specialists or Intervention Specialists.

Cultural Specialist

Provides support for schools in recognizing and responding to cultural differences and cultural awareness. Some responsibilities are:

  • Assist families in overcoming barriers to their attendance at parent - teacher conferences; attend conferences to assist parents to communicate with school staff as necessary.
  • Facilitate meetings between students, parents and school staff who are from diverse cultural, ethnic and socio-economic backgrounds to facilitate home/school communication and assist in the resolution of misunderstandings and conflicts.
  • Support classroom teachers in interactions with culturally diverse students and their families.
  • Assist the school social worker in working with families to address truancy and attendance problems.
  • Recruit parents to participate on the School Site Council and in the Parent Teachers Association; promote participation by parents in other school events and functions.
  • Team with the principal to develop strategies to include families in the implementation of school behavior and social skills programs.
  • Review information gathered from meetings with parents; make recommendations to school administration on how to make the school a more inviting place, including recommendations on the physical design of the school.

Intervention Specialist

Provides support to administrators and other licensed staff with programs in academic and/or behavior intervention for students and their families. Some responsibilities are:

  • Coordinate the activities of programs to improve student achievement and/or behavior.
  • Work with licensed staff to facilitate the implementation of consistent/comprehensive curriculum within an academic achievement room.
  • Provide tutoring support and work direction to students in a variety of subject areas.
  • Communicate consistently with staff and parents regarding individual student progress; provide individual families with information about academic or behavior interventions, strategies for tutoring at home and/or information about other programs available within the District for students needing additional academic and/or behavior support.
  • Provide behavior management training and coaching for classroom teachers and educational paraprofessionals, individually or in groups, as appropriate.
  • Model classroom management techniques for teachers and paraprofessionals, both in role playing sessions and during class time when behavior incidents occur.
  • Coordinate other school staff to provide additional student support in an academic achievement room, including licensed staff to provide instruction and non-licensed staff to tutor and assist with other non-instructional support activities.
  • Coordinate and facilitate professional development for non-licensed staff in the area of tutoring.


  1. All positions must be supplemental in nature. 

  2. Consult with your Title I program manager or supervisor prior to submitting the requisition. 

  3. Follow district procedures for hiring. 

  4. For any employees paid totally by Title I funds, supervisors must complete semi-annual certifications which verify that the employee has worked 100% on the federal grant for the first half of the year. Semi-annual certification is completed every six months, once in early January and again in early July. The supervisor will be notified via email to log into PeopleSoft to complete the Semi-Annual Certification.

  5. For any employee whose activities are split between Title I funds and other funds, must complete bi-weekly time and effort reporting of their time. Through the Bi-Weekly Time and Effort form, an employee will allocate the number of hours worked for the pay period across each program and determine the percentage of hours in each program area if it’s different than the default.The total must equal 100%. The employee will then submit the time and effort report through PeopleSoft to the supervisor each pay period. The supervisor will then review and approve the employee’s report bi-weekly.