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6360 Bus Tokens/Bus Cards

Bus Tokens/Bus Cards

Bus Cards/Tokens for Transportation to Family Engagement Activities

Object Code:                6360

Authorization:    Pre-Approval

Title I funds may be used to provide SUPPLEMENTAL transportation to families to reduce barriers to participation or for a student to attend an academic event before or after school hours when regular transportation may not be available. Bus cards or tokens can only be used for approved Title I activities.

To ensure appropriate documentation, a usage log is required to be completed as bus cards or tokens purchased with Title I funds are distributed for use. Include the name of the person, the name and date of the event the token/bus card is intended for on the log. Keep the log with the Title I compliance folder. Submit a copy of the log with your next order of tokens or bus cards on PeopleSoft.

Bus Card/Token Disbursement Logs must be turned in with any new orders for Bus Cards. No new orders will be placed without an accounting of usage for previous cards.


  1. On PeopleSoft complete the Title I Order Form to request to purchase tokens or bus cards and attach the bus card/token log for previously purchased tokens to the new request.

  2. Once approval has been given, Laurie Niblick will forward your request to Transportation to order your Tokens/Bus Cards. Do not order directly from Metro Transit.

Form:    Title I Order Form PeopleSoft Financials

            Bus Card/Token Log