6360 District Bus for Family Engagement
6360 - District Bus Family Engagement
District Buses to Transport Parents to Family Engagement Activities
Object/Account Code: 6360
Authorization: Pre-approval Required
Title I funds may be used to provide supplemental transportation for families to attend approved parent involvement activities such as conferences, Parent Academy, or school parent involvement activities that have an academic focus.
At times it may be prudent to use a bus or buses to transport parents to the school for an event rather than using Taxi cabs. Title I funds may not be used to provide buses for field trips.
- On PeopleSoft complete the Title I Order Form to request a bus or buses for the activity. Attach the flyer for the event (must have an academic focus).
- Once approval has been given, contact designee at transportation to order the bus(s) and provide him/her with the school/program budget code after approval has been given.
Form: Title I Order Form
PeopleSoft Financials