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6366 Workshops and Conferences (With Overnight Stay)

6366 - Workshop/Conferences (With an Overnight Stay)

Account/Object Code: 6366

Authorization: Pre-approval required

Please check the SPPS Travel Procedures posted at the Business Office to ensure you are following the most recent requirements in the district.

If workshops and conferences fit into a school’s larger professional development plan that is tied to their school improvement plan (SCIP), Title I funds may be used to cover the costs of attendance. All professional development should relate to core subject areas and must satisfy the definition of professional development.

Workshops and conferences within Minnesota with an overnight stay should be coded to Object Code 6366.

DO NOT register for the conference/seminar, make hotel reservations prior to receiving your Travel Authorization.


  1. If you have access to PeopleSoft Financials follow Steps 1, 3- 6: Complete a District Travel Authorization Request Form in PeopleSoft. Attach the conference brochure and other information as directed on the authorization form. In the additional information section on the form, explain how this professional development activity supports the implementation of the SCIP strategies and goals.
  2. If you do not have access to PeopleSoft Financials follow Steps 2, 4-6: Use the paper copy of the District Travel Authorization Request Form. Attach the conference brochure and other information as directed on the authorization form. Attach a statement explaining how this professional development activity supports the implementation of the SCIP strategies and goals. Submit to the principal for signature and submit in Peoplesoft, travel request.
  3. Upon obtaining all approvals, the Travel Clerk will assign a Travel Authorization Number. The Travel Clerk will then e-mail you with that number and a copy of the Travel Expense Report.
  4. Once you receive your Travel Authorization Number you may make your travel reservations, pay for the conference, etc.
  5. Upon returning, complete the District Travel Expense Report within 15 business days of your return and submit to the Travel Clerk.
  6. If a PCard was used, when the PCard Statement is to be reconciled, attach reconciled PCard statement with the registration and travel documentation.

Form: District Travel Authorization Request

PeopleSoft Financials