6432 Portable and Attractive Items
6432/6402 - Technology – Portable and Attractive
Account/Object Code: 6432, 6402
Authorization: Pre-approval required
Instructional technology and portable and attractive (6432) instructional materials are used to support academic endeavors in the classroom and must be “necessary” and “reasonable.” All instructional technology items such as document cameras, LCD projectors, iPads, and computers for student use are included.
Non instructional technology and portable and attractive (6402) items are used primarily by programs solely funded by Title I.
Under no circumstances may PCards be used to buy items that are portable and attractive or technology items. These items must be ordered through a PeopleSoft requisition regardless of cost.
- You must be able to answer yes to these questions before ordering: Will the technology serve the needs of your students or serve the purpose of the grant? Are they necessary and reasonable? Are they supplemental?
- REGARDLESS of PRICE: Create a requisition in PeopleSoft. When approved, the purchasing agent will create a P.O. and place the order for the school/program.
- Compare prices (minimum of two comparisons) if not ordering through the district approved vendors and submit comparison with requisition.
- Receive when order arrives:
- Receive the order in PeopleSoft and tag the item with a district asset tag (IBM and Apple items already have a tag, no need to do this for those items), and
- Tag with the Title I Federal Programs Tag,
- Example:
- In PeopleSoft, enter the items into the asset system of record. (No need to do this for IBM and Apple items). Follow the district procedures for entering assets into PeopleSoft.
Send the original invoice and packing slips to Accounts Payable in the business office at 360 Colborne.