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PCard Policy for Title I

PCard Requirements When Using TI Funding

PCard Designated Purchaser(s):

Each school and program funded by Title I will identify up to two individuals who will have authority to use a PCard for Title I purchasing (see Appendix A for a sample of the form). That individual will be responsible for following all procedures and getting all necessary approvals for PCard purchases in advance of the purchase. Identified PCard purchases will be sent to Kaola Yang/Laurie Niblick via email no later than the first day of the fiscal year for programs or the first day of the beginning of the program for the school year.

PCard Purchases –Items Under $3,500 schools/$5,000 programs (excluding travel):

Because we have moved away from using a petty cash, a school or program may now use a PCard to purchase items under $3,500 (schools) and $5,000 (programss)  however, there is an additional process that must be followed when doing so and there are additional requirements about who may use a PCard for Title I purchases.  (Pre-Approval is Required)

  • PCard Purchases of Materials (Instructional and Non Instructional 6430/6401): All materials, purchased with TI funds must be preapproved. On PeopleSoft, enter your purchase request on the Title I Order Form to get approval before you use the PCard to purchase. Once approved, purchase the item(s) with your PCard. (See page 6-7 for procedures for purchases under these budget codes). Print your approval to turn in with your PCard Statement at the end of the month.

  • PCard Purchases of Food (6490): All food purchased with TI funds must be preapproved. On PeopleSoft, enter your purchase request on the Title I Order Form to get approval before you use the PCard to purchase food. Once approved, purchase the food with your PCard. (See page 11 for procedures for purchase of food and the requirements under that code). Print your approval to turn in with your PCard Statement at the end of the month.

Reconciliation of your PCard Account: Reconcile your PCard account according to district procedures. Include your TI approval with your reconciled PCard documentation when you submit it to the Business Office with the PCard Statement and Receipts.

Monitoring of Purchases: The Title I Accounting Clerk will monitor PCard Statements against Title I Order form permissions. Unallowable expenditures will be moved to a school’s general fund budget.  Unallowable program expenditures will be moved to other general fund budgets determined by the supervisor of the program or their supervisor.

Failure to comply with PCard Procedures for Title I purposes: All district PCard procedures must be followed. In addition to district PCard procedures, these additional procedures must also be followed when a PCard is used for Title I purchases. Failure to follow these procedures could result in suspension of your PCard privileges for Title I purposes.

  1. First time, if pre approval was not requested, employee will be asked to produce missing documentation after the fact. If an inappropriate item is purchased, instead, the item cost will be moved from Title I, will have to be paid for by another budget or returned.

  2. Second time, employee will again be reminded to produce missing documentation after the fact; and will be reminded to read the procedures manual about PCard procedures. If an inappropriate item is purchased, instead, the item cost will be moved from Title I, will have to be paid for by another budget or returned.

  3. Third time, employee’s PCard will be suspended.

  4. Multiple occurrences within a program or school (multiple instances, multiple people) will result in the program or school losing all privileges to use a PCard to charge to Title I for the year unless there is a corrective action plan implemented (Plan will be implemented with approval of Director of Federal Programs).

If the corrective action plan is implemented and there is repeated abuse over time, regardless if within the same fiscal year, all use of PCards for TI purposes is terminated and program or school will have to use other means to purchase. PCard use will continue to be closely monitored to ensure compliance for a length of time to ensure consistency in purchasing and following procedures.


  1. Each fall, click on this link and submit the PCard Authorization Form. This form provides the Office of Title I Federal Programs a list of personnel that are authorized at each Title I schoo/Program to use the PCard for Title I funded purchases.  

  2. Designate no more than two people as designated authorized purchasers for Title I. (e.g. clerk and principal or clerk and program director).

  3. Submit the form for final approvals from accounting and the Title I director. You will be notified by email when your request has been approved.