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Saint Paul Public Schools, District 625
360 Colborne Street
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Happening Now

Stay up to date on what's happening across SPPS through the success of our students, staff and community

Observing Ramadan and Honoring Fasting

Ramadan, the Islamic month of fasting, begins on or around February 28, and the Eid Al-Fitr celebration will be on March 30 or 31. Many SPPS students and staff fast during this special time of the year, alongside over 1.9 billion Muslims around the world. Learn more about the significance of Ramadan and what happens during this important time.

Google Gemini for Teens Coming to SPPS Feb. 14

To ensure a safe and secure AI experience, high school students (grades 9-12) will gain access to Google Gemini for Teens starting January 28. Designed specifically for high school students, Gemini offers a powerful AI tool with enhanced safeguards for data privacy and security that may not be present in other tools.

Black Principals in Conversation: Black History Month

Watch this video of Capitol Hill Principal Marcus Freeman, Hazel Park Principal Duane Dutrieuille and Johnson Principal Jamil Payton discussing the importance of teaching all students about Black history during Black History Month and throughout the year. Families can celebrate Black History Month and National African American Parent Involvement Day (NAAPID) at a districtwide family resource fair at Benjamin E. Mays Elementary on February 10.

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