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Saint Paul Public Schools, District 625
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Career and Technical Education

Career Pathway Banners at Harding HS

Saint Paul Public Schools supports Career and Technical Education (CTE) teachers in the areas of Agriculture, Business, Family & Consumer Science, Education, Communications & Technology, Construction, Manufacturing, Medical, Automotive/Transportation, and Work Based Learning. CTE teachers come from a variety of educational backgrounds. CTE teachers are passionate about bringing industry and career experiences to the classroom while teaching the skills necessary to support students toward their post-secondary career goals. CTE teachers are focused on equity, academic achievement, social emotional learning, career & college readiness and alignment with the Carl D. Perkins State and Federal goals.

CTE programs and courses are an integral part of SPPS Career Pathways and help lead the way to ensure pathways are relevant to our community, high-wage and in-demand and always teaching with the highest industry standard equipment. 

Minnesota Levy Reimbursement allows:

  • 35% of CTE Licensed Teachers Salary, supplies used in CTE courses and travel is reimbursed to the district the year following reporting. Tuition paid to Colleges for CTE courses is also reimbursable at 35%
  • Currently, these funds are distributed back to the HS’s in the building’s general fund allocation
  • Teachers holding a CTE license or variance who are teaching a CTE course count for Levy reimbursement
  • Currently, there is funding to help non-CTE certified teachers get the license

If you have questions or are interested in getting your Career and Technical Education license please contact


2 Highland Park students pose with State FFA award certification

SPPS is dedicated to promoting access to career pathways and has identified the following procedure and tools to regularly evaluate promotional materials and efforts to not perpetuate any limitations based on race, color, national origin, sex or disability. 

Annually, upon receival of Perkins Career and Technical Education program data, district staff in the Office of College and Career Readiness will hold two, one hour sessions to look at data of non-traditional students and opportunity gaps in the courses offered. These sessions will typically be held in October after the submittal of the Perkins-file with course data from the previous school year. The Career Pathways Supervisor will facilitate these sessions. The first session will include a data dig protocol and evaluation of what practices were successful and unsuccessful to improve disproportionate enrollment in CTE courses based on race, color, national origin, sex or disability. The second session will be to plan for new promotional materials and engagement opportunities that would encourage non-traditional students to enroll in CTE courses connected to high wage and in-demand careers in our Saint Paul community. 

In order to regularly evaluate these practices, the same team will add enrollment to their team meeting agenda once a quarter to monitor any disproportionate enrollment and take steps to encourage nontraditional participation and equity with respect to race, sex, and disability.