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3M Advanced Training Center

Courses through the Districtwide Career Pathways Program

Career Pathways logo

Course Descriptions and Schedule: SPPS Districtwide Career Pathways Program

Are you an SPPS student interested in taking college courses that match your interests and career goals? We invite you to review the course offerings and signup during your high school's course registration process. Students enrolled in this program are exploring high demand, high wage careers. They will spend mornings at their home high school and afternoons at the Districtwide Career Pathway Center completing career-related college courses. Students need to meet the college eligibility requirement for the PSEO course(s) of interest. *Note - Counselor's approval is needed for final enrollment into the program to ensure students can stay on-track to graduate. 

Note: Transportation is provided to the 3M Advanced Training Center and secondary locations. Buses will depart from all SPPS home high schools at 12:30 p.m. Courses begin at 1 p.m. 

Directions for High School Course Registration: 

Students interested in enrolling in course offered through the SPPS Districtwide Career Pathways Program should meet with their school counselor.

SPPS Opens Districtwide Career Pathways Center

In fall 2022, Saint Paul Public Schools debuted the 3M Advanced Training Center on the Saint Paul College campus. IThis new program allows students from any SPPS high school to get hands-on experience in high-wage, in-demand careers.