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Middle School Counseling

School counselors support all students in academic success, social emotional development and college and career readiness.

Core Counseling Classroom Lessons

  • Exploring values - Personal, Cultural and Community
  • Personal Learning Planning - Portfolio in Xello
  • Bully Prevention and Accessing Help
  • Learning Styles and Career Exploration
  • Transition to High School and Self Advocacy

Small Group Counseling

Topics vary and may include: academic support, coping with anxiety, confidence and goal setting, resilience, and grief and loss.

Individual Counseling

  • Every 8th grader student meets one-on-one with their counselor to set goals, explore career pathways and work on their Personal Learning Plan.
  • Support students for short-term mental health and development needs. Work with families to connect students to community mental health resources.

Do you have concerns about your student?

Contact your student's school counselor to discuss. Successful middle school students typically have a sense of belonging, know that they can do the school work, feel that their teachers believe in them and have interested and involved caregivers.

Things to Know About the Transition to Middle School

Students do well when parents, school staff and caring adults understand both the school changes and the personal changes that are underway for middle grades students.  

During the transition from 5th to 6th grades, academic and social emotional expectations during the school day increase. If you notice that your student is exhausted, overwhelmed or struggling with the transition, don’t hesitate to reach out to your student’s school counselor with your concerns. Some of these symptoms can be typical, yet you know your student best. We encourage you to have conversations with your school counselor, family medical provider and/or a trusted mental health professional as you continue to support your student. 

  • Physical changes strongly influence the middle school years. Keep dialogue open with your student about how they are feeling and managing the changes they are experiencing. Students may feel exhausted and need more rest due to all the growing their brains and bodies are doing.
  • Exploring identity is important work for middle grades students. Students explore interests, expand social networks, learn new ways of thinking and express differing opinions. This is an important part of figuring out who they are and want to be in the world. 
  • The parent/child relationship matures during the middle years. As your student shares experiences and challenges with you, it’s important to affirm them, communicate what you are noticing and share the type of behavior you respect. When it comes to peer relationships, while middle grades students need adult guidance, they also need to make their own decisions.
  • Social media and technology use increase during the middle grades. We encourage parents/guardians to take an active role in your student’s online presence. Check their page and read their posts. Be curious with your child about what they are doing online. Talk with them about staying safe and respectful, while monitoring that your student is having healthy interactions with peers online.
  • Encourage practice and growth with school skills like organizing their binder and backpack, checking Schoology (grades) and taking responsibility for completing missing assignments or scheduling study time. Middle grades are an important time for students to practice communicating their needs. Let them know it’s normal to need help and it’s okay to ask for what they need from their teacher and all school staff.