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Rigorous Course Waivers

Rigorous Course Waivers

Students taking courses designated as “rigorous” by Saint Paul Public Schools (e.g. AP, IB, College in the Schools, Concurrent Enrollment, and PSEO) are eligible to waive related graduation standards. By selecting a course or courses that qualify for a rigorous course waiver, students and families consent to waiving some Minnesota high school academic standards. The advantage to waiving some standards is that it affords the instructor the ability to modify curriculum to enhance rigor and gives students a rigorous learning experience. 

Saint Paul Public Schools has approved the courses below to meet the specific graduation requirements listed (e.g. AP US Government and Politics counts as a student’s US Citizenship and Government credits).

Rigorous Course Waiver Procedure

  1. The student meets with their school counselor to review the student's schedule and the currently approved rigorous courses.
  2. If a requested course is not in the rigorous course catalog, the counselor will provide a list of alternative courses that are pre-approved to the student.
  3. If, based upon the student’s interests, academic/career goals and Personal Learning Plan (PLP), the student chooses a non-approved course, a Rigorous Course Waiver Application will need to be completed to request high school credit for the course. The counselor will give the student the Rigorous Course Waiver Application Form and support them in completing the following: 
    • The student must completely fill out the form with all information requested.
    • The parent/guardian must check the box and electronically sign the form consenting to the waiving of any academic standards to be waived if the application is approved. 
    • The student must submit the form and notify their school counselor of the submission.
  4. The Lead High School Counselor will receive an alert of the application via email, who will notify designated reviewers within 5 days. 
  5. The Executive Director of the Office of Teaching and Learning and the Director of the Office of College and Career Readiness, or their designees, will make a determination of whether or not the application is approved within 10 business days of receiving the application.
  6. The Executive Director of the Office of Teaching and Learning or designee will communicate the determination to the Lead High School Counselor. 
  7. The Lead High School Counselor will communicate the final determination to the student and the student’s school counselor.
  8. A determination of approval for credit requires the Lead High School Counselor to add the course to the published rigorous course catalog.
  9. A determination of non-approval for credit will require the Executive Director of the Office of Teaching and Learning or designee to provide a statement of why it is not approved. 

Rigorous Course Waiver Procedure

Rigorous Course Catalog

Click on this spreadsheet to view the Rigorous Course Catalog.