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Saint Paul Public Schools, District 625
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School Counseling (Catching a Dream)



Watch our Introduction to the Catching a Dream program video by clicking the picture above.

Our Indian Education School Counseling Program is designed to meet the cultural needs of our American Indian middle and high school students.  Since 2013, we have researched and crafted a supplemental program that is both culturally responsive and developmental.  Our goal is simple -  to support our American Indian students culturally on their middle and high school journeys.  We address this goal in the following ways:

  • Culturally Responsive School Counseling Services, including individual sessions and group counseling.
  • Cultural Experiences, including college visits, field trips, and special speakers.
  • Advocacy & Systemic Change, involving collaborative partnerships, an advisory council, and district policy-making input.
  • Circle of Support, encircling students with support from SPPS, family, and the community.

The Catching a Dream Logo

About the Catching a Dream Logo

Our logo emphasizes the core focus of our comprehensive school counseling program, which revolves around supporting American Indian students.

"Catching a Dream" serves as both the name of our program and our guiding philosophy. We inspire Native students to envision and accomplish their dreams, benefiting not only themselves but also their community.

The central star symbolizes our American Indian students and their ambitions.

Encircling the star are the program's four supportive strategies, which uplift and empower students towards their aspirations. Our program integrates four key components that synergize to highlight our students’ strengths and then to overcome obstacles and challenges utilizing culture and cultural supports.