Multilingual Learning
The Office of Multilingual Learning (MLL) in Saint Paul Public Schools strive to create an equitable learning environment in order to ensure English Learners (ELs) are able to reach their highest potential. The district views ELs as emergent bilingual students who bring a wealth of knowledge to our schools. We value the linguistic and cultural capital that students and their families bring to the school community.
The Office of Multilingual Learning oversees programming and services for ELs as well as Dual Language Programs. We also provide English Language support in the Language Immersion Program. We promote a district-wide approach to programming for ELs through cross departmental collaboration. English Learners gain equal access to rigorous grade-level content standards and curriculum through the collaboration and co-teaching framework. English Language Development is an essential focus addressed by all educators.
English Learning Programs
Saint Paul Public Schools (SPPS) offers content based English language instructional programs and services to meet the varied needs of English learners. English learners acquire academic English through participation in age appropriate, content-based instruction that is aligned to WIDA English Language Development Standards as well as the Minnesota K-12 Academic Content Standards. The Office of Multilingual Learning strives to provide English learners with the supports they need to acquire English language proficiency in grade-level academic content.
Students at level 3 or higher may be served through a co-teaching model in the content areas. Collaboration allows for planning, teaching and assessment of content and language objectives for ELs in the mainstream classroom. These EL students may have one or more English language development (ELD) classes associated with the co-taught content class. The ELD classes are aligned to both the state standards and the WIDA English Language Development Standards.
Services that Support EL Students in Saint Paul Public Schools
- Access to grade-level standards and curriculum
- Support in the language development process, including students in special education
- Bilingual Educational Assistant (EAs)
- Full inclusion at elementary
- Co-Teaching instructional model at all levels
- Opportunities to earn a bilingual SEALS
English Learner Assessments
State and federal laws require that all identified EL students are assessed annually to measure their English language proficiency and progress in learning English in the four domains of reading, writing, listening, and speaking.
Saint Paul Public School, Office of Multilingual Learning uses WIDA Assessments to assess all identified English Language Learners using the WIDA Screener and the ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 test. The WIDA Screener is used in the initial EL identification, whereas the ACCESS for ELLs is administered annually to assess the English language proficiency and to monitor EL students’ language growth. Both tests are available as either a paper-based or online assessment.
Minn. Statutes, section 124D.58 TO 124D.65
PL 107-110, the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, Section 3113 (b) (3) (D)
Students with Limited or Interrupted Formal Education (SLIFE)
Minnesota ‘s Learning English for Academic Proficiency and Success (LEAPS) Act of 2014 outlines the responsibilities of school districts to provide education to English learners that is comprehensive and equitable. The guidance requires districts to identify and confirm each student on the list of potential SLIFE qualifies for the SLIFE designation. SLIFE identification is an annual designation for the purpose of reporting and monitoring on the academic and linguistic progress of SLIFE.
As of June 2016, Saint Paul Public Schools, Office of Multilingual Learning will use the Student Support Data Collection (SSDC) system to collect and record SLIFE identification data.
Schools and the district identify students on an annual basis. If a student no longer meets the SLIFE criteria, they will be reclassified as no longer SLIFE eligible.
English Learner Identification and Exit Procedures
- English Learner (EL) Identification Criteria and Procedure
- English Learner Exit Criteria and Procedure
- English Learner Assessment
- English Learners With Special Education Needs Considerations
- Refusal of Services
English Learner (EL) Identification Criteria and Procedure
English Learner Exit Criteria and Procedure
English Learner Assessment
English Learners With Special Education Needs Considerations
Refusal of Services
Dr. Sarah Schmidt de Carranza , Executive Director of MLL
Dr. Schmidt de Carranza has been an educator in Saint Paul Public Schools since 2003. She has served as an EL and LCD teacher at several schools in her time in Saint Paul Public School, including Hazel Park Prep Academy, Battle Creek Middle School, Highland Park Middle School, and Highland Park Senior High School.
Dr. Schmidt de Carranza achieved National Board Certification in 2009, and was successfully renewed in 2019. Dr. Schmidt de Carranza joined the Office of Multilingual Learning at the start of the 2019-2020 school year.
Sophie Ly, Assistant Director
Sophie Ly shares strong ties to Saint Paul as she was born here, and also educated in Saint Paul. Ly enters her 5th year with Saint Paul Public Schools, first as an ESL Teacher at LEAP High School, Johnson Sr High, and Jackson Elementary, then as the Learning Lead at Four Seasons Elementary, and recently joined the Office of Multilingual Learning as a Supervisor.
Ly earned her Bachelor of Arts in TESOL from Crown College, her Master of Teaching ESL Education from Bethel University, and PK-12 Administration Certificate from the University of Minnesota. She also brings experience in English learner education and programming from her service at international schools overseas. She is a proud immigrant and refugee descendant living the American dream.
Who are Multilingual Learners in SPPS?
MLL Updates
2017-18 English Learners Program Evaluation.
An annual evaluation of the English learner program has been completed. The 2017-18 EL program evaluation report is available upon request and can be requested in accordance with the District’s policies that can be accessed at: