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Saint Paul Public Schools, District 625
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Professional Learning

Principles for Professional Learning

  • Psychological Safety and Respect: Foster an environment where colleagues and supervisors can freely express diverse opinions, ask questions, make mistakes, and engage in healthy disagreements.
  • Appreciation of Difference: Embrace and value diverse perspectives, encouraging open discussions that surface differences in ideas.
  • Openness to New Ideas and Risk-Taking: Encourage teachers to take risks, try new instructional approaches, and explore innovative ideas that promote culturally responsive instruction.
  • Reflection and Learning from Experience: Allocate time for thoughtful reflection on teaching practices, enabling educators to learn from their experiences and continuously improve.
  • Feedback for Growth: Provide feedback on teachers' work from multiple sources, including colleagues and supervisors, to support professional growth and development.
  • Purpose-Driven Learning: Cultivate a sense of personal connection to the work and help teachers understand how their instructional practices contribute to a larger goal of culturally responsive instruction.
  • Collaborative Learning Processes: Foster collaborative learning processes such as generating new knowledge together, making sense of learning collectively, and sharing insights with colleagues both within and outside the district.
  • Leadership for Learning: Promote leadership practices that include active listening, questioning, and honoring the learning process. Encourage leaders to be open-minded, model continuous learning, and provide time for reflection, generation, interpretation, and dissemination of knowledge.