In SPPS we assess students through the CogAT7 and the portfolio process. It is our intention to provide multiple measures for students to be assessed. When students are identified for accelerated services this identification remains with them throughout their K-12 academic career in SPPS.
All SPPS kindergarten and 2nd grade students take the Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT7). Students in grades 1, 3, 4 and 5 may take the test by nomination from a parent, teacher, family member of other knowledgeable party. The CogAT7 measures general reasoning abilities in three domains: verbal, quantitative, and nonverbal.
Gifted and Talented services are site based, you can contact your child’s school to find out specific details about G/T services that are available for your child. As students move into the middle school level, this information is shared with the middle school staff who continue the process of matching student needs with academic opportunities. During the registration process for middle and high school students and families are made aware of advanced academic opportunities by school counselors and administrative personnel.