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Digital Citizenship Manual

Digital Citizenship: A Manual for SPPS Educators

We may think of our kids’ online, mobile, and technological activities as “digital life,” but to them it’s just life. In their world, being able to connect and communicate 24/7 from just about any location is normal. Phones are for phone calls – and listening to music, sending texts, filming videos, snapping and sharing photos, and accessing the internet. Our kids are using computers and tablets to socialize, stream video, and create movies and songs. And, yes, they connect and communicate 24/7 from just about any location.

Keeping Students Safe in a Digital World

In Saint Paul Public Schools, we want our students to make good decisions so they can take advantage of the powerful technology that fills their lives both at school and at home. But in order to make good choices, kids must know how the digital world works. The stakes are high because our kids’ technological abilities can be greater than their maturity and judgment. Having unrestricted access to information and people can result in gaining a wealth of information and experiences. But it can also mean exposure to inappropriate content and risks.

Instruction in digital citizenship is part of the curriculum in Saint Paul Public schools in order to help students learn to safely navigate this digital environment.

This manual was created as a collaboration between the SPPS offices of Teaching and Learning, Technology Services, Communications, and General Counsel in order to support teachers as they model and lead this instruction.



Student Data Privacy Practices

This information is a guideline for protecting student data privacy.

Adults who work with Saint Paul Public School students must agree to follow these practices if they have access to any form of student data. You may be required to submit acknowledgment that you have read and agree to follow these guidelines to your supervisor or Saint Paul Public Schools Human Resources Department.

The form for submission is available once you complete the reading.


Additional Resources

Digital Citizenship Resources for Teachers from Common Sense Media: