Dear SPPS Staff,
As we close out the second week of the school year, I am saddened that what should be a joyous time was interrupted by threats of violence to some of our schools and other schools in our community. In this time of heightened alertness about school safety, no parent, student or school staff member should have to fear that they will not be safe at school.
I first and foremost want to thank the many individuals who took the threats that were circulated online seriously and immediately took action to ensure that our students, staff and families were not in danger. This important work often happens behind the scenes, after school hours, and starts with our Security and Emergency Management staff, district leadership, principals, the Office of Communications, and our trusted partners at the Saint Paul Police Department and other public safety agencies. Oftentimes, there are details that cannot be shared while an investigation is underway, and these folks work hard to strike that difficult balance while assuring our community that they will be safe at school.
When students and parents show up at school worried about what the day might bring, it becomes all of our jobs to take them seriously, to calm their fears, and to support them as we are trained to do. This work is not easy, it will not be perfect, and you may feel like there is nothing you can say or do to help them feel safe. Please know that your presence, your reassurance, your calm and your words can and DO make a difference. Our schools remain some of the safest places that our children can be, and each and every one of you is part of the reason why that is true.
This is not the first time, and will not be the last, that we will experience a threat like this. That is why I am so thankful to have the safety infrastructure that we have in Saint Paul Public Schools. Our School Support Liaisons, Emergency Command Center, Standard Response Protocol, Emergency Operations Plans, and school safety teams all work in tandem to anticipate, prevent and respond to real or rumored threats on a daily basis. If you ever have any questions or concerns, you are encouraged to contact Security and Emergency Management, send a tip, and find answers to frequently asked questions on our website at These resources are also shared regularly with families throughout the year.
For the latest updates on this situation including a statement from the Board of Education, visit Thank you for all you do to keep your students, yourselves, your families, and our schools safe every day. I appreciate every one of you.
In partnership,
John Thein, Interim Superintendent