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Saint Paul Public Schools, District 625
360 Colborne Street
Saint Paul


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Back to School

Welcome to the 2024-25 School Year!

  • School begins on Tuesday, September 3, for students in grades 1-12. 
  • Students in pre-kindergarten and kindergarten begin on Thursday, September 5. 

🎉 Help us celebrate the start of a new school year by sending us your first day photos on social media using hashtag #SPPSFirstDay.

Send us your first day photos

Student getting on school bus


Back to School Basics

The first day of school is exciting for students, families and staff alike. It can also be overwhelming. Here are a few things to know so you can help your students be ready for the first day.

School supplies spilling out of backpack


Open Houses
Please look for more details from your school about an open house or back-to-school night when you can tour the building, meet the staff and drop off supplies.

Class Schedules
Class schedules will be available to view in Infinite Campus after August 23.

School Supply Lists
School supply lists are available on most school websites and at Some schools provide supplies for their students; please check with your school.

Complete Back-to-School Forms
Parents and guardians in primary households can complete 2024 Back-to-School Forms starting July 29. Update contact information, complete required forms and verify your address for transportation at

Small group of students working at a table with teacher


How SPPS Uses Your Contact Information
In addition to being notified of emergencies, you will receive information from the district, your school and your student's teachers via email, robocall and/or text message. Additionally, SPPS works with various service providers who will send you information directly via email. These providers include Peachjar, Smore, Schoology, Securly Home, Seesaw and Xello. You can opt out of receiving these notifications at any time. Learn more about these tools at

Attendance is an important part of student success. Missing less than nine days of school each year helps students to stay engaged, experience success in their schoolwork and keep on track to graduate on time.​ We recognize there are many reasons a student may be absent from school. If your student is ill, check SPPS’s illness guidelines at Please notify your school at your earliest convenience if your child will be absent. Communication between home and school is vital to a positive school experience. More information about consistent attendance can be found at

Two Nutrition Services team members and Chef putting food on black trays


Nutrition Services
In-person students will receive free breakfast and lunch under the Minnesota Free School Meal program.  

  • All students are eligible to receive one free breakfast and one free lunch each school day. Students must take a complete meal.
  • Second meals, incomplete meals and single item purchases, such as milk only, must be purchased.
    • Student Second Breakfast: $3
    • Student Second Lunch: $5.25
    • Milk Only: $0.50

For a complete list of prices, visit  

Visit to manage your student’s meal account, view menus, ingredients and nutritional information, and complete the Application for Educational Benefits.

Application for Educational Benefits
While all in-person students will receive free breakfast and lunch under Minnesota’s Free School Meals program, it remains critical that all families complete an Application for Educational Benefits each school year. These applications determine how much funding your child’s school receives for educational programs and supports. Additionally, eligible families can qualify for other benefits. The application can be completed online at Paper applications are available at your child's school.

Four Highland Park football players celebrating


Child Care Before and After School
Discovery Club is a fun and nurturing child care program for students in grades PreK-5 that supports learning and development before and/or after school, on non-school days and during the summer. Space is limited. For a list of fees, locations, and to register or join the waitlist, visit or call 651-632-3793.

Extracurricular Activities
Many schools offer enrichment activities before and after school, including athletics, art and music, clubs, Extended Day for Learning (EDL) classes and more. Visit for information about free and fee-based opportunities through SPPS Community Education.

Close up of the back of a school bus


School Bus Transportation
Students will receive a postcard in the mail with bus information at the end of August. The postcard lists details about where and when to meet the bus. Please arrive at the bus stop five minutes before the bus is scheduled to pick up your child. Track the status of your child’s bus on your school’s website or the Bus Status app.

Metro Transit
Eligible students (grades 9-12 only) at the following schools will receive a free Student Pass from Metro Transit to get to and from school: Creative Arts Secondary School, Gateway to College, Gordon Parks High School and Johnson Senior High School. Student Passes will be distributed the first week of school. Students can download a temporary pass to their phone, school iPad or print one to use until they get their Student Pass at

Young student working on iPad at home


Internet Access at Home
Reliable at-home internet is important for doing homework and in the event of e-learning days or weather-related closures. SPPS is committed to providing internet services for students and families in need. Internet support includes discounted WiFi through Comcast Internet Essentials and the FCC Affordable Connectivity Program. Find more information on the home internet access webpage.

Non-Instructional/E-Learning Days
SPPS may call a non-instructional day or e-learning day due to inclement weather. For the first two days of inclement weather that SPPS decides to cancel school, students should not report to school and there will be NO e-learning. After two non-instructional days due to weather, the decision to use an e-learning day or a non-instructional day is at the discretion of the Superintendent. SPPS will send a robocall, text message and email if a non-instructional or e-learning day is called. Visit for more details.

Group of four high school students in gym at career fair


Student Rights & Responsibilities
SPPS strives to create welcoming schools where each and every student is seen, known and valued. There are rights students are guaranteed when they are at school as well as responsibilities that accompany those rights. Families are strongly encouraged to review the Rights & Responsibilities Handbook.

School Safety
Safety is a top priority at our schools. Every school has an Emergency Operations Plan that is created specifically for each school and regularly reviewed. Families receive communication home when an incident directly impacts their students, such as a lockdown. Exterior doors are always locked and all visitors must sign in.

Families, students and staff can use the MySPPS app to “Send a Tip” and confidentially report unsafe behaviors to SPPS Security and Emergency Management (SEM). Every tip is taken seriously and acted on right away. Learn more at

Keeping Your Student Healthy

Important Phone Numbers

General Questions 651-767-8100
Discovery Club 651-632-3793
Student Health & Wellness 651-767-8385
Student Placement Center 651-632-3760
Transportation 651-696-6900

Contact Us

2024-25 Calendar

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Sunday, January 26
Wednesday, January 29
Thursday, January 30
Friday, January 31
Saturday, February 1
Sunday, February 2
Monday, February 3
Tuesday, February 4
Wednesday, February 5
Thursday, February 6
Friday, February 7
Saturday, February 8
Sunday, February 9
Monday, February 10
National African American Parent Involvement Day (NAAPID) Family Resource Fair
Benjamin E. Mays School, 560 Rondo Ave, St Paul, MN 55103, USA
Special Education Parent Advisory Council (SEAC)
Tuesday, February 11
Wednesday, February 12
Thursday, February 13
Friday, February 14
Saturday, February 15
Sunday, February 16
Monday, February 17
Tuesday, February 18
Wednesday, February 19
Subscribe to Alerts Somali Parent Advisory Council (SPAC)
360 S Colborne St, St Paul, MN 55102, USA
Thursday, February 20
Friday, February 21
Saturday, February 22
Subscribe to Alerts Thinking Career & College Early Fair
Harding High School, 1540 6th St E, St Paul, MN 55106, USA
Sunday, February 23
Monday, February 24
Wednesday, February 26
Thursday, February 27
Friday, February 28
Saturday, March 1

Calendar & Category Legend:

  • SPPS District Calendar
  • SPPS Non-School Days