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APTT (Academic Parent Teacher Team) Conferences


The Office of Family Engagement and Community Partnerships works with Saint Paul Federation of Educators (SPFE) to implement the Academic Parent Teacher Teams (APTT) conference model in schools around SPPS. Teachers who elect to participate attend training, implement APTT with their families, and participate in debrief sessions to learn from each other.

About APTT

Teachers and staff work hard with every student to ensure that students meet or exceed grade-level learning goals. We believe in all of our students and their capacity to learn and achieve academic success. We know, and educational research proves that when families support student learning at home, there is an increase in grades, attendance, learning attitudes, positive behavior, homework completion, social skills, state test results, and college attendance. APTT is a conference model intended to support all students in reaching their full academic potential.

The goal of the APTT conference model is to promote family-teacher collaboration to drive student academic achievement. Teachers review and compile student data and share with parents skill building activities that can be used at home to support student learning. There are three 75 minute APTT group conferences per year.  The APTT model also includes one traditional individual conference per year. 

APTT conferences include the following:

  • An opportunity for parents to meet each other and build community
  • A explanation of key grade level skills
  • A review of student progress data
  • A demonstration of activities to use at home and time to practice in small groups
  • The establishment of academic goals


For more information about APTT, including next steps to implemenation and upcoming training dates, please contact APTT Coordinator Hannah Pierson at

APTT is a partnership between SPPS and the St. Paul Federation of Educators. For more information about SPFE and APTT, visit the link below.