Parent Advisory Councils

Saint Paul Public Schools (SPPS) works with Parent Advisory Councils (PACs) for families and community members to advise district staff. Most PACs meet monthly throughout the school year, and convene districtwide parent meetings and other special events.

Parent Advisory Councils (PACs)

American Indian Parent Advisory Council

The American Indian Parent Advisory Council meets monthly to share and discuss ongoing issues that effect American Indian students and families.

Gender and Sexual Diversity Parent Advisory Council

GSDPAC's mission is to build a strong partnership between families with gender and sexual diversity and Saint Paul Public Schools.

Hmong Parent Advisory Council

The Hmong Parent Advisory Council (HPAC) vision is to empower Hmong parents and students to help solve the achievement gap between Hmong students and their peers.

Karen Parent Advisory Council

The Karen Parent Advisory Council (KPAC) meets monthly to share and discuss ongoing issues that effect Karen students and families.

Latino Consent Decree Parent Advisory Council

The Latino Consent Decree (LCD) Program provides for the systematic development of basic cognitive, affective, and psychomotor skills and to bring such Latino students enrolled in SPPS to the performance level that is expected by the district of non-limited English-speaking students whose primary language is English.

Parents of African American Students Advisory Council

Parents of African American Students Advisory Council (PAASAC) is a group of parents and community members who work to empower African American students and families. 

Somali Parent Advisory Council

The Somali Parent Advisory Council (SPAC) is a Somali parent group supported by and coordinated through Office of Family Engagement & Community Partnerships.

Special Education Advisory Council (SEAC)

The purpose of the Saint Paul Public Schools’ Special Education Advisory Council (SEAC) is to collaborate with the District’s Office of Specialized Services.