High School Support
If you are having trouble with a subject or class, voice your concerns to your guidance counselor before it's too late. They can help you find extra support to finish the class and stay current with your credits.
AVID: Provides in-school academic support, including tutoring, and college preparation for students in grades 4-12.
See your guidance counselor for information about other tutoring resources within your school.
Credit Recovery
Changing schools can make it hard for students to stay caught up. It is especially important that students in foster care check on their credit status with their guidance counselors. If you are behind on credits, there are supports within the district to help you get back on track to graduation.
Online & Summer School
Students can earn back credits during the school year or over summer. See your guidance counselor for referrals to these programs. You can also visit the following links to read about your options and consider what is the best fit for your needs:
Alternative Learning Programs
Alternative high schools are available for students who need or desire a learning environment that is different from more traditional high schools. Alternative high schools offer flexible hours, various locations, and alternative teaching methods that help students make progress toward graduation. Students may enroll as full-time students and earn a diploma, or they can take after-hours and evening courses to earn additional credits needed to graduate at their current high school.
Please call the Student Placement Center at 651-632-3760 if you need more information to determine if an alternative high school is the right choice for you.
Evening High School
Evening High School is an alternative educational program designed to provide students with meaningful learning experiences in order to complete their required course credits and graduate to something great. Online and traditional classes are offered at two sites: Eastside Learning Hub @ Harding, 1526 Sixth St. E, 55106, and Gordon Parks High School, 1212 University Ave. W, 55104. Age requirements, criteria for eligibility and specific services vary. Guidance counselors refer students 16 years old and older to courses needed for graduation. Students who are not attending a regular high school may stop in to register as full-time students during the registration dates and times..
1212 University Avenue West
St. Paul, MN 55104
651-744-1208 (fax)
Gordon Parks High School
Our small, friendly school makes it impossible for students to be invisible. Named after the famed African American photographer, civil rights activist, writer and Saint Paul native, Gordon Parks is an alternative high school where students can choose from flexible morning and afternoon programs, online options, and media-infused courses and curriculum. Our staff members are specialists in providing students with hope and possibility.. Our students can fulfill state and district graduation requirements in many ways: from studying documentary film and nonfiction writing with our English department, to hands-on experiences in algebra and chemistry, to community-based art, social studies, and environmental studies programs. At Gordon Parks, students receive encouragement to take themselves and their possibilities seriously. The bottom line is that effort makes the difference.
1212 University Avenue West
St. Paul, MN 55104
651-744-1208 (fax)
651-744-1244 (counselor's fax)
AGAPE - Adolescent Girls and Parenting Education
AGAPE High School offers a comprehensive high school education for pregnant or parenting teens. We also provide intervention services to help students address other barriers to educational success. AGAPE has a partnership with Inver Hills Community College to offer college-level classes at our site for college and high school credit. An on-site childcare and Health Start clinic are also available.
1037 University Avenue West
St. Paul MN, 55104
651-293-5360 (fax)
LEAP High School
Our school is dedicated to serving students ages 14 to 20 who are new to the United States and who are learning English while earning a high school diploma. Students receive instruction closely matched to their level of English ability in classes that address reading, writing, and speaking English. Bilingual staff members work in small groups that allow students to receive individualized attention in an atmosphere that respects and supports their native cultures. LEAP also offers after-school classes and, through partnerships with local organizations, students have the opportunity to develop leadership skills and participate in community service projects. We help the newest members of our community succeed now and into the future.
631 Albert Street North
St. Paul, MN 55104
651-228-7711 (fax)