Informaton for Students
Youth who are between the ages of 21 and 24 and who are unaccompanied and homeless, or self-supporting and at risk of being homeless, qualify for a homeless youth determination, and will be considered independent students.
Who Qualifies As Homeless In Our District?
Under the McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance Act, if you or your family lives in any of the following situations you may qualify for services from Project REACH:
- In a transitional, domestic, emergency shelter or youth shelter
- In a motel or hotel
- Temporarily staying with family or friends because you have lost your housing and have no place to stay
- Staying in emergency foster care (awaiting placement)
- In the community, a car, on the street, or in and abandoned building.
If you are currently staying in one of these situations, please contact the homeless contact, school social worker, your principal or a teacher in your school and ask for assistance. You can also call us directly at 651-632-3790.
What are my rights?
Students in Homeless Situations Have the Right to:
Under the McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance Act, if you are homeless you have the right to:
- Stay in school and attend the school you are currently attending
- Enroll in school without a permanent address, immunizations or school records
- Get free school meals without delay
- Get transportation to school when feasible
- Go to school with non-homeless students
- Receive other educational services you may need
Frequently Asked Questions
- If I cannot stay at home, where do I start to get help?
- What youth shelters are available for me to stay at?
- If I haven’t attended school for awhile and I want to re-enroll what should I do?
- Can I apply for financial aid for college if I am homeless and do not live with my parents?
- I'm behind in credits, what can I do?
- I need to work but want to go to school. Can I do both?
- Where can I go to get assistance with a GED?
- I’ve missed school and my school has dropped me. What can I do?
- I have a young child and still want to attend school? What are my options?
- Where can I go for other resources like food, clothing, or medical help?